Gleddy Goodvine (Gl-eh-dee Good-vine)

Halfling/dwarf. She/her/hers. Huge mom friend vibes. Small altitude, big attitude.
  As the primary coordinator for the Ad Hoc Adventurers Recruitment and Resettlement Guild, Gleddy Goodvine is for many people the most important contact they have in their adventuring careers.   A prestigious adventurer of her own right at one point, Gleddy earned an early retirement when a hit from a Marilith's tail left her with a traumatic brain injury that impacted her memory and hand-eye coordination. Having netted plenty of respect (and contacts) as a chaotic good whatever-it-takes-to-help-people type of traveler with a hell of a hammer swing, Gleddy was quickly brought into AHARRG's fold as a support agent for adventurers in need of mentorship or connections.   Years later, Gleddy is everyone's favorite coordinator, meaning she is the primary source for distributing contracts, dispensing rewards, and most importantly for many, connecting the wayward adventurers in need of companions. She's known for a warm laugh, a firm handshake, and a no-bullshit stance on guild matters that is the result of a deep compassion for every person that wanders into her office. Gleddy understands the perils of adventuring and how critical it is to find a proper team to keep you well as how disheartening it can be when circumstances change your plans. She has made it her pledge that no mercenary, guard, delver, or explorer has to navigate Ostelliach unsupported, no matter if it's their first team or their unlucky 13th.  


  • Assigning guild recruits to proper teams based on skill, experience, and personality fit
  • Overseeing contract distribution and fulfillment
  • Coordinating overall guild education and training efforts


Gleddy is warm, boistorous, outspoken, and incredibly kind. However, over many years of adventuring and many years helping adventurers since she has earned an edge toward people who are cold, selfish, callous, or egotistical. She's seen her fair share of Big Personalities that endangered or downright hurt others and she has zero tolerance for them in "her" guild (as all who know her agree she keeps things running).   She can be absentminded or forgetful due to the injury that made her retire; typically she takes this in stride with a cheerful shrug and has a series of systems to make her notekeeping and record tracking more functional for her. She considers it a passion project to place any adventurer with a disability or neurodivergence in the best position for them with respect to their unique accessibility needs and strengths.
Firmly chaotic good mom friend
Current Status
Getting ducks in a row and shaking her head in loving disbelief
Current Location
Current Residence
City of Wrath
Smiling, squinting eyes of green-gray-blue.
Messy, bushy auburn red curls with shocks of white occasionally; always tied up in messy bun(s) out of the way
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weather-worn ruddy pink, with a scar over the left eyebrow and lots of freckles/sunspots
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Character Portrait image: by Anthony Gonzalez