Grove of the Cat

The Grove of the Cat is the western, more coniferous forest butted up against its deciduous cousin the Tallowwood. Although The Endeavour, the arboreal city tucked away in the forests, is usually considered part of both domains, it actually falls more squarely in The Grove of the Cat. Additionally, the Mill of the Gods is on the outskirts of the Grove of the Cat, making it largely the more memorable of the two simply by proximity.


The Grove of the Cat is largely flatlands, with some minor hillage undulating across it. In the lower sections of the hills, acidic bogs are known to form, largely the only reliable water sources in the forest.


The trees here are a mixture of coniferous trees--that is, trees that do not lose their leaves in winter and instead have needles. Pine trees, cedar, juniper, and even some cypress in lower-lying areas that get a little boggier make up this forest. Their needles make the soil beneath them very acidic, so the plant life growing here is suited to that.   The majority of the trees grow very tall, with sparsely branched trunks that allow for an eerie tunnel vision view of the surrounding area. Add in mist that tends to flourish in the undergrowth and the proximity to the Mill of the Gods and it's no wonder the forest has something of a spooky repuation. Much of the undergrowth is moss, lichen, and fern which makes for easier traversal than its deciduous cousin the Tallowwood where a host of shorter trees and bushes confound trailblazing. Berry bushes are also very common, given their love of acidic soil.   One notable difference of the Grove of the Cat that is more pleasant is the proliferation of more wildflowers in the undergrowth: a variety of orchids, violets, and trillium common among the greenery. Passerby are warned to stay on the trail and not get distracted by the flowers, however, as carniverous vines known as Graaspervalt are known to lurk above patches of beguiling flowers.   As for animals and creatures, the usual forest fare of squirrels, foxes, birds are common. As are spiders of many varieties, the occasional gnoll, dryads, and blights that love the boggy lowlands.


The Grove of the Cat experiences warm summers and snowy winters where the springy needles of its trees are able to slide the snow off easily without breaking, unlike its deciduous cousin. The wind is known to whistle strangely through the trees, picking up speed and sound as it zips through. Many a folktale warn of hearing voices in the winter wind of the Grove--and of what happens, should you follow.


The primary reason to visit the Grove of the Cat is to reach or leave The Endeavour. However, it is a forest with many commodities and resources for enterprising rangers, druids, folk healers, or craftspeople. Additionally, its proximity to Mother's Gift means that lumber milling and other industry looks to the Grove.
Alternative Name(s)
The Grove, Spookywood
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Included Locations
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