Katakomvu Pituatoir (Cat-uh-COMB-voo Pit-TWAH-tw-our)

Purpose / Function

The Katakomvu Pituatoir (Catacomb of the Mind in an older tongue) exists as the most precious archive in all of Ostelliach, as well as a hallowed hall of the dead for those that gave their lives most to scholarship. It is said that the Finite Architects themselves rest here, as do some scholars of great renown who have come since. Most students of the Scriptorium will never see into the archives here, but that does not stop nearly all of them from dreaming of achieving scholastic greatness enough to be interred here.   The records kept in the Katakomvu Pituatoir are the subject of much speculation, but in general the official statement is that they are one or more of the following:
  • Too fragile to be allowed into standard circulation (including many original historical pieces, with carefully rendered copies available to the public above)
  • Too rare to risk being put into circulation (in which case, again, a copy will generally be made and provided)
  • Too dangerous to be allowed to the general public (the possibility that is most scandalous to rumor)
  Many pieces are restored in the carefully controlled rooms of the catacombs, sometimes leant to museums or put on display in the Scriptorium afterward. Others are quietly retired there after enough damage from general circulation.   It is also said that the elite guards trained to protect the Scriptorium are brought here for some initiation, trial, or ritual but this is even more difficult to provide evidence for than some of the other outlandish claims.


There is only one entry into the Katakomvu Pituatoir as far as most people are concerned; rumors of secret escape hatches are just that--rumors. The door is a bespelled, carefully guarded one made of several layers of different materials (metals, arcane barriers etc.). It is opened by consent of the highest orders in the Scriptorium and generally is limited to only opening once a month if possible; tours and official visits are scheduled well in advance to coincide with each other, to limit the outside air and dirt/debris/risk brought into the archives.

Hazards & Traps

Though this is only rumor, word has it that fearsome golems, trapped spirits, deadly bombs, and much more protect the catacombs. The general belief is that if anyone were to try to breach it, there are failsafes set to destroy the entire archive rather than let it be taken.

Special Properties

The Katakomvu Pituatoir is set deep underground beneath the Scriptorium and nearby Rowa. It is located in a large naturally-occuring cavern that was expanded and protected magically. The cavern is extremely still and dry, a boon for an underground archive of texts, and magical wards keep out any sort of pests. Additional properties include:  
  • Precautions to protect against the nearby Rowa River have been taken, including spelled dams and channel locks set to never have all open at the same time.
  • A filtration system keeps clean air coming into the archives, removing impurities from above as well as dehumidifying the incoming air.
  • Climate control spells have been laid over the catacombs to prevent the temperature from going above 65 degrees or below 50.
  • Light is restricted in the catacombs, with their natural state being entirely black. Upon visiting, lights will illuminate just enough to navigate; visitors are often granted a Scroll of Darkvision if needed in order to peruse the archives without needing damaging lights. The lights installed are a special incandescent meant to be just enough to manage by, without UV damage or other risks.


The catacombs are housed within one primary cavern, with different rooms branching off for intensive study, archival restoration, and yes--the actual archives and catacombs. Upon entry through the main door (and after a few security locks along the way to ensure the air is clean and dry), a visitor is greeted by the main archive, rows and rows of books and scrolls and tombs and tablets in different cases and protecting structures. The catacombs themselves (the ones interring actual deceased scholars) are in a side chamber that is restricted on a need-to-access basis separate from even gaining entry to the lower archive itself.
Founding Date
744 PB
Alternative Names
Scripted Catacombs, The Final Study Break
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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