Khairaat Dainurr (Kai-RAHT die-NOOR)

"Hache Guzanh Aa Braa Tkhrab Bh Anhandhad"
"Give them no option for destruction."
A creed and a warning, the motto of a people dedicated to exclusivity.

ha-SHE goo-zah-NCK ah Bra tee-CRAB bih ON-HAN-on-uh-dod
  The Khairaat Dainurr are a militant group, largely druidic in nature, dedicated to the protection of their self-proclaimed holy land, the small southern island of Pascal's Omen. Much of the group's history and inner workings are unknown to the outside world, largely because of their secretive (and often hostile) nature. Common scholarly research suggests they have existed since shortly after The Breaking and that they tend to be a very small, insular group, but anything else is based on unreliable accounts or conjecture.


The information below are things that would only be known to the select few who had spent time on the island proper, or found an extremely rare historical account somewhere. Metagamers beware!   Pascal's Omen's druidic circle doesn't have a name internally; as far as they're concerned, they're all that matters, who cares what they call themselves. However, they do have a loose hierarchy.   The primary leader, the Elderwood, is the oldest of the group & they serve as a moral figurehead. They don't have veto rights or much power to speak of, but most will defer to/heavily consider their opinion.   The Elderwood also has marshals dedicated to different aspects of the island such as reef conservation, maintaining the balance between predators & prey, overseeing the food production etc. These are known as Pascal's Champions & each are chosen by a vote across the entire island (including children) once the previous Champion either decides to step down or dies. They would be specialized to what the person is best at; for instance, reef conservation likely goes to someone with affinity for water or amphibious biology.   Champions often will take 1-2 people under their wing to be trained as either assistants or potential next-in-line. There's not not competition and a thirst for power, but the Champions don't necessarily have "authority" over anything besides their domain, and the general sentiment turns against people who are powerhungry when voting comes around. Everyone on the island will generally fall under one of the Champions' domains/care, working in a specialization that fits their aptitude.   General island matters are voted on by all, with Champions counseled/speaking on the matter in a town hall to provide perspective & insight before the vote.   There are also Pascal's Hands, which are the protectors/community police force/militia. They very rarely actually see combat in the traditional sense, but they train fiercely for the right to call themselves the island's protectors. They might have to put down a rogue beast that can't be tamed, intervene in a drunken brawl, or sternly tell a nosy scientist to go back where they came from, but their name alone is often enough to prevent actual violence. Their reputation definitely precedes them, even outside the island.   There are assorted healers of different varieties that generally fall under the Champion of wellness and safety. Many people on the island take pseudo-religious perspectives so there arent' really chosen "holy people" or shamans or whatever, but there are often group prayers/meditations/communion rituals etc. where many people join in and maybe one person takes leadership of that event. Overall, everyone is encouraged to be in touch with nature from early on and it's wound into the education from early on, and attunement to nature is equal to religon to these folks.


The Khairaat Dainurr are deeply devoted to the beauty of the natural world, but specifically to their small oasis in the otherwise chilly south-central region of Ostelliach. Much of what is known about their culture revolves around this, including a focus on eschewing any artificery or magi-tech, a general distrust of outsiders, and a pride for moving "slower" than the rest of the world. (This lack of artificery is another reason that much is not known about them, as it greatly inhibits recordkeeping or messaging efforts.)   Education about the outside world is fairly limited on the island, considering the warnings against too much curiosity. Children are taught to read and speak Slyvan and Common, as well as survival skills. They are then introduced to different trades and skills necessary to the circle's survival, the better to find their place and choose a specialization.   Godcrafting on the island as well as how magic works in general can be compared to rural American public school sex education: not really taught, largely misunderstood, rife with rumors that lead to children making dangerous choices. It's not uncommon for a young adult to break something jumping off a cliff because they heard that hurting yourself badly leads to magical powers. Different magical schools are not really differentiated so much as teaching someone the spells they would need to manage their role. For this reason, wizards are extremely uncommon; the majority of magic users on the island are druids or the occasional sorcerer (usually of the wild magic variety). Warlocks are not unheard of, making pacts with some shadowy creature one meets diving too far from the reef, but are rare and make people a little uneasy. Clerics and Paladins are rare as well, though in a post-Breaking world without gods they're more common than they would have been when a tie to a specific god was required.

Public Agenda

To preserve the beauty of Pascal's Omen and prevent it from the same "corruption" the rest of the world faces.


  • Community over self
  • Curiosity breeds recklessness; tread carefully
  • Outsiders must earn our trust, and rarely do
  • There is no greater cruelty than that against the earth


A small, heretical subsect of the organization are comfortable communicating with the outside world, and much of the knowledge scholars like the Scriptorium Soiram have comes from this sect. However, they tend to come and go (and often do not exist at all) as they are killed, exiled, or leave the island of their own volition.
Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
Pascal's Druids (by outsiders only)
Training Level
Controlled Territories
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