Pascal's Omen (Pass-cal)

An island off the coast of The Maw and the Bay of the Blue in the Placidia Ocean, Pascal's Omen is known for being a wildlife sancturary. The location between the cool of The Maw and the warm of the Placidia Ocean create special conditions that are unique to Pascal's Omen and allow wildlife both on the island and in the surrounding coral reefs to blossom, making it a place of interest to biologists and druidic-aligned wildlife lovers alike. The entire island and surrounding reefs are vehemently protected by a group called the Khairaat Dainurr.   The name of the island comes from a pre-Breaking hermit named Pascal who settled on the island and established the start of a long tradition of protecting nature on it by making himself known as a powerful evocation sorcerer. As the stories are told, Pascal made a contract for power with a dangerous sea creature (sometimes an aboleth, sometimes a dragon turtle or gold dragon, sometimes a kraken or leviathan). In exchange, the creature used him as a puppet to ward away any who dared encroach upon its turf. Regardless of how true any of this may have been, the name has persisted for hundreds of years and the island carried an air of stay off the grass well before the Khairaat Dainurr took over the mantle to officially guard the place.


Pascal's Omen is not a well-charted location, but what is known of the geography agrees it is a lush, verdant isle surrounded by a thriving coral reef system. It is generally flat and forested with thick trees not unlike that of the Ilcarian Jungle, but with a less humid rainforest atmosphere. The soil is slightly acidic but extremely rich, so the undergrowth is strong and thick and the open spaces between the trees quick to be taken over by tall grasslands.   Given the staunch opposition to civilization overcoming nature on the island, there are very few stone or otherwise heavy permanent structures that could not be easily dismantled if needed. Historical records indicate that at one point 3 temples existed on the island (believed to be of Eldaeous-Cide/Evocation, Divaia/Necromancy, and Lothiniel Anai/Conjuration) but after The Breaking there was no attempt to rebuild the temples, instead letting nature reclaim the ruins until it is not certain where the temple remains even exist now.

Localized Phenomena

Pascal's Omen is known to be preternaturally calm and devoid of dangerous storms, cold winters, or any other calamities that many of the coastline places in Ostelliach's southern half face. Some attribute this to the namesake Pascal's alleged deal with the pseudo-divine; meteorologists attribute it to the influence of the Placidia Ocean.

Fauna & Flora

The coral reefs of the area thrive with any number of diverse creatures, including some that experts suspect are undocumented elsewhere (but hard to verify due to the hostility of the nearby Khairaat Dainurr). On land, mammals and reptiles thrive in equal measure and are rumored to grow larger than normal.   There are also rumors of a unique subspecies of the Harengon people native only to Pascal's Omen deep in the underbrush and armed with dangerous horns; scholars are unable to verify this, though they match a similar tall tale from the Burazaich region where Harengon that give birth are rumored to, on occasion, create unique offspring called the Alqurun ("horned hare" in Dwarvish).


Hahahahaha. No.
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