Planes of Existence

In order to fit into the world of Ostelliach, the planes of existence are slightly shifted for this campaign.  

Material Plane

The world the game takes place in.  

Ethereal Plane

A realm of ghosts and specters where staying too long is dangerous. It is believed that the Ethereal Plane is a haunted place where the souls of deceased travel (aided by the smoky incorporeal feeling of items viewed in it).  

Astral Plane

A transitive plane correlated with spacetime; spells relating to travel (including the Teleportation Runes utilized by AHARRG and others) are believed to be using the Astral Plane as a means of travel, essentially folding Spacetime to jump between places (a-la-Wrinkle-In-Time tesseracts).  

The Web

The Web is understood to be a general plane of existence running parallel to the Material Plane. This is the plane from whence all magic comes. In lieu of planes for each element, it is understood that energy to fuel magical beings (ex: Fire Elementals) comes from the Web. Note that this is not to imply that Elementals live in and travel to/from the Web, but only that they are borne into existence in the Material plane with an extrinsic connection to the Web (similar to the artificial connection created through Godcrafting).  

Hypothesized Planes

Other planes may or may not exist, with research into this only starting up again in earnest in the past few hundred years post-Breaking. Some of the planes estimated to exist include:
  • Infernal Realm, from which Demons & Devils come. Tieflings are believed to be descendants of such creaturs and thought to have an extraplanar heritage, but most Tieflings nowadays are born from other Tieflings.
  • The Abyss, a dark realm hypothesized to be accessed by the deepest locations in the ocean, or by some, through the Eye of Madness of Madness. Thought to be the spawning place for the largest, darkest creatures of the deep such as Aboleths and Leviathans.
  • Plane of Light, considered to be the opposite of the Infernal Realm, where Aasimar and certain Warlocks and Sorcerers earn their magic from. Though the Gods were a sacred, select few now thought to be gone forever, some scholars hypothesize there is a plane of magical beings considered to be Celestial in nature; others consider these creatures to be akin to Elementals in simply having a deeper tie to the Web.
Metaphysical, Astral
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