Rine's Friends and Familiars (Ree-NAY's)

Rine's Friends and Familiars is a pet shop for mundane and magical critters, located in the Merchant Quarter of the City of Wrath. The shop is run by rin , an Aasimar with an affinity for healing magic. Rine's face is crossed by large scars, the memory of an owlbear attack, and their arms and hands are always covered with a myriad of cuts, burns, scrapes, and bites--hazards of the job, Rine says with a fond smile. They have an unending love for creatures big and small, scaly or furry, and are adamant about only adopting their charges out to those who can show they understand the creature they're taking home and how to best take care of it.
Anecdotes of Animals, Public Domain by Percy J. Billinghurst



    • Familiar and pet adoption
    • Strengthening bonds between creature and person
    • Assisting with found friends (including identification, preliminary checkups, troubleshooting relationships, and fostering/adopting rescues or poor matches)
  • General creature care advice*

  Rine's disclaimer: I am not a substitute for proper exotic creature health professional advice; cannot administer healthcare; and cannot be held liable for care decisions that are not optimal or result in unhappy creatures, strained relationships, creature escape, or injury to either person or creature.
Illustrations from De Monstris (1665), Public Domain by Fortunio Liceti

OOC: Visiting the shop, players can find 1-3 creatures up for adoption based on this table (rolling dice to correspond with each column's options). Reroll any poor/nonsensical column combos, discuss with DM for price, skill check to convince Rine you are a good home for the creature.
Shop, Magic
Characters in Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)
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