Rinevel "Rine" Mauveithel (rin-eh-VELL "Ree-nay" maw-VAY-thee-el)

The Aasimar Rine with an affinity for healing magic who runs Rine's Friends and Familiars.   Rine's face is crossed by large scars, the memory of an owlbear attack, and their arms and hands are always covered with a myriad of cuts, burns, scrapes, and bites--hazards of the job, Rine says with a fond smile. They have an unending love for creatures big and small, scaly or furry, and are adamant about only adopting their charges out to those who can show they understand the creature they're taking home and how to best take care of it. While normally docile and demure, speaking in softer tones, Rine is fiercely protective of their charges and will

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall, willowy Aasimar built somewhat like a half-elf. At first glance, the Aasimar nature is difficult to perceive, but upon inspection one can see delicate feathers blooming from the shoulders, the collar of a shirt, the nape of the neck; raven black to match the hair. Rine is soft-spoken and friendly, gentle to a T, unless their creatures are threatened.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rine has held her shop in the Cities of Mercy and Wrath (specifically the City of Wrath) for many years now, timeless Aasimar visage obscuring just how old they actually are. They started small but quickly expanded, going from "safe" creatures like pocket gryphons and puppies to any number of slimy, scaly, creepy, or otherwise "odd" varieties within a year or two. Not much is known about her history otherwise, as the only thing Rine seems to want to talk about is creatures.

Gender Identity

Non-binary but demi-femme leaning, seemingly unruffled by most pronouns and dressing in a more feminine fashion.


Unknown, but very well-spoken and read with an encyclopedic knowledge of nature, arcana, and anything concerning creatures: what they are, what they need, where they live, how to keep them happy etc. Given that she knows so many languages, it's reasonable to assume Rine is either well-traveled or very well-studied.

Personality Characteristics


Elevating the treatment of all living creatures, understanding and appreciating all of them (not just the "sapient" ones that talk back or the ones that are cute and cuddly).
Current Location
They/She (ambivalent)
Heterochromatic: One storm blue, one vivid green
Long, dark raven with shots of bright white streaking throughout, pulled into messy twists and braids framing their face
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm chestnut brown, marked with light-colored burns, scars, scratches, and freckles from previous creature run-ins
Known Languages
Several, usually as required for speaking with creatures (such as Draconic, Sylvan, Primordial etc.)
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