Sun and Silo

by Giovanni Antonio "Canaletto" Canal, public domain
  Sun and Silo are a pair of twin towns outside of Mother's Gift in south-central Ostelliach that are integral to the management and distribution of the farmlands' harvests that feed much of the continent.   Though they technically are two separate hamlets (Sun, and Silo), the two locations are close enough to each other and small enough as well as dependant upon each other enought that people rarely refer to them separately unless they are in the hyperlocal area and need to distinguish, say, the specific location one saw a person or lost their hat.


In Sun, the people tend to self-police, with the understanding that their work is incredibly vital and also taxing; no one has the energy to put up with nonsense like bar fights or thieves when they have so much riding on their shoulders (literally and metaphorically).   In Silo, patrols of armed guards are common (on loan from different cities or The Tryst) in order to ensure no sabotage or thieving happens to the precious resources stored here.



Sun is an almost entirely residential hamlet where the farmers, botanists, horticulturists, and agricultural mages that keep Mother's Gift functioning live (or stay temporarily, if they are the type of laborer that travels in for a time then returns home, such as seasonal workers). As such, it is almost entirely small single-person/family homes and inns/taverns for affordable rent. The cost of living is kept deliberately low-to-almost-nonexistent in an effort to encourage as many workers as possible to travel to and stay in the area, keeping the great machine of agriculture churning year-round.   There is a sense of cameraderie between many who live there, though they often see seasonal or other traveling workers as less dedicated or trustworthy. Weekly dances, concerts, sport competitions, and other ways to pass the time when not in the fields are very common. The people staying here view their work with a spectrum of opinions from weary apathy (somebody's gotta do it, and there'll always be work to be had) to smug pride (I'm feeding the nation, I'm the most important job title in the continent). Both opinions are not unfounded, honestly.  


Silo is, as the name implies, almost entirely a warehouse and storage location with a skyline brimming with grain siloes, water towers, and multi-storey sheds for crops, tools, and farm supplies like fertilizer. The entire hamlet has a distinctly earthy (read: manure-rich) scent and though the roads are well-kept and paved to allow easy wagon passage, there is a permanent layer of mud caked on everything in sight. It is busy day and night, year-round, moving things in or out in order to keep Ostelliach fed.

Guilds and Factions

There are several types of workers required to keep Mother's Gift functional, and though they are cordial to each other, the different types of workers do tend to self-organize into two groups based on shared interest/role.  
  • Laborers such as farmers, wagon drivers, and other physical work
  • "Brains" (as referred to by the other group) that are responsible for overseeing and optimizing the processes that keep the farmlands running including: the horticulturists breeding hardier plants; the experts on all things soil such as composion and nutrient balance; the mages that keep the water flowing properly, the vermin out; and the project management types in charge of logistics and shipping, tracking how much of what goes where and when.
Founding Date
Large town
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