Warmhearted Cold Metal

Warmhearted Cold Metal is a cultural group of Warforged across Ostelliach, dedicated to the ethical creation and treatment of Warforged and to a lesser degree any construct or artificed creation that can receive consciousness or sentience in some way.


WCM are run by a council known as the Elected Crafted who are indeed elected on a biannual (two year) term cycle by others of the alliance. This council is generally 5 individuals but depending on the size of the alliance may grow to as many as 9. The candidates do not necessarily campaign for their slots but are instead nominated by their peers based on impact to the community such as philanthropy, volunteering, visibility, creative innovations to benefit the alliance, or forged connections with other groups. This council then may vote on different matters concerning the alliance, such as amending or adding to various ethics edicts the WCM maintains.   Beneath the council, the structure is mostly flat, with a lead and second in each major settlement that are nominated/elected or determined by the council (if no clear election can be settled), and all other members equal otherwise.   Members must be warforged or some other construct based in metal; there have been discussions in recent years whether to allow Shardminds into the fold but this is still a contentious discussion with no real conclusions.

Public Agenda

WCM seeks to instill in the people of Ostelliach a sense of ethics and moral responsibility in the creation of sentient artificery, constructs with minds, or Warforged and other creatures made of metal.   This includes but is not limited to:
  • educating people about the experiences (including senses and feelings) of these entities, in order to instill a sense of empathy and gravity at what it is to create this life
  • distributing guides for ethical treatment of one's creations, such as acceptable working/living conditions, creating a safe environment for your worker, and empowering them to develop a personality outside of their role
  • dispelling myths about these entities (including an active campaign to replace the term Warforged with something more nuanced and less politically-charged; proposals for the replacement term vary but in general Crafted is used to mean someone belongong to the WCM and that seems to be sufficient for most)
  • providing alternatives to abandonment of these entities and resources to those that have been abandoned, such as wider education in areas outside their original function, temporary housing, contacts and connections for new work, and emotional support


The major settlements of Arnun-Ohx, Expatria, the Cities of Mercy and Wrath, Rowa, and Eria Nil Aldur each have a representative office for WCM that includes
  • temporary housing for travelers or newly-emancipated Crafted
  • a small library and often a tutor on hand ready to educate in general etiquette, various languages, or common sense life skills
  • a supply room stocked with general So, You're On Your Own for the First Time in Your Existence and Aren't Used to Free Will packs including things like starter weapons, bedrolls, maps, and other things to get Crafted on their way


The WCM generally tries to be explicitly pacifist and dispel harmful stereotypes that their members are created or solely suited for war and combat. However, they recognize the need for some sort of enforcement system to confront groups that continue flagrant ethic violations regarding their kind. Thus, they maintain a small but dedicated group of volunteers that are dispatched to intimidate such ill-doers and sternly recommend they cease and desist their reckless creation or cruel treatment. The specifics of how this group is selected, how it is dispatched, how often it is dispatched, or how large it is are things kept very discreet at the WCM in order to maintain their message of peace.

Motto: "Not One More To The Heap"

Founding Date
Alliance, Cultural
Alternative Names
WCM, "wu-come"
Training Level
Members are known as "Crafted"
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Notable Members
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