
In the world of Ostradin, a unique and captivating deity known as Althea stands as the goddess of creation, revered by many for her divine role in shaping the cosmos and all living things. Althea is a central figure in the pantheon, embodying the essence of creativity, life, and the fundamental forces that give rise to existence.   Name and Titles: Althea, often referred to as "The Shaper," "Mother of All," or "Goddess of Creation," is recognized by a multitude of titles that reflect her role as the divine creator.   She resides in the Realm of Elemental Chaos, a celestial realm filled with celestial forges, endless skies of colors and light, and crystalline palaces that house the spirits of creative inspiration. It is believed that all creative sparks are birthed in this realm before being sent to the Material Plane.   Althea's worship is widespread across Ostradin, and her clergy consists of artists, midwives, druids, and wizards who see her as their muse and guide. Temples dedicated to Althea are often filled with intricate artwork, sculptures, and lush gardens to honor her. Followers believe that by creating beautiful and harmonious things, they pay homage to her divine essence.   In the world of Ostradin, Althea, the goddess of creation, is a symbol of inspiration, life, and the eternal creative spirit. Her presence is felt in every corner of the world, as her influence permeates the very essence of existence, and her devotees continue to seek her guidance in their creative endeavors and the nurturing of life.

Divine Domains

Life and Birth: Althea is the patron of fertility, childbirth, and the nurturing of life. Her blessing is often sought by couples wishing to conceive and mothers in labor.   Art and Inspiration: Althea is revered by artists, craftsmen, and creators who seek her guidance for inspiration and perfection in their work.   Nature and Growth: She has a strong connection to the natural world, overseeing the growth of plants, the fertility of the land, and the balance of ecosystems.   Magic and Enchantment: Althea is often invoked by spellcasters who wish to infuse their magic with creative and life-affirming energies.   Creativity and Innovation: In a broader sense, Althea inspires inventors, scientists, and thinkers to explore new frontiers of knowledge and creation.


Althea's Celestial Vestments     Description: Althea's Celestial Vestments are a set of ethereal armor that seems to be woven from the very fabric of creation itself. They are composed of shimmering, crystalline threads that constantly shift and change in color and pattern, reflecting the ever-evolving nature of life and creativity.   Properties:   Divine Protection: When worn, the Celestial Vestments provide the wearer with unparalleled protection. They are virtually indestructible, offering resistance to all forms of damage and granting a substantial bonus to the wearer's Armor Class. It is as if the wearer is shielded by the very forces of creation.   Life-Infusing Aura: The armor emanates an aura of life and growth. When the wearer enters an area, plants flourish, wounds heal, and the air is filled with vitality. This aura can be used to restore life to the land, heal injuries, and promote fertility.   Creative Blessings: The Vestments of Althea have the power to inspire and enhance the creative abilities of the wearer. Artists, craftsmen, and spellcasters who don this armor find that their works are imbued with a touch of divine inspiration, resulting in extraordinary masterpieces and spells of great power.   Shape of Renewal: The armor can be reshaped by the wearer's will, adapting to their preferred form or combat style. This feature makes it incredibly versatile, as it can shift from a flowing robe to a suit of shining plate mail, or anything in between.   Alignment Requirement: To attune with and wield the Armor of Althea, a character must be of good alignment and dedicated to the principles of creation, growth, and protection. This artifact would not function for those with malicious intent.   Origins: According to mythology, Althea herself crafted this divine armor to protect and empower her champions, ensuring that those who stood for the forces of creation and life would be blessed with her presence.   Althea's Celestial Staff: This staff is said to have been used by Althea in the act of creation itself. It is a magnificent, ethereal staff that glows with shifting colors and is adorned with celestial gems. Those who wield it gain the power to shape and craft life, create landscapes, and bring forth lush growth. It can also be used for healing and rejuvenation, making it a symbol of life's enduring cycle.   The Eternal Blossom Amulet: This enchanted amulet takes the form of a delicate, crystalline flower that never withers. When worn, it bestows the wearer with the ability to promote fertility, accelerate the growth of plants, and heal wounds. It is often sought after by farmers, healers, and expectant parents.   Althea's Tapestry of Life: This enchanted tapestry is a work of art in its own right. It is said to be a woven masterpiece that depicts the ever-changing cycles of life, creation, and growth. Gazing upon it grants those who study its intricate patterns and scenes insights into new creations, fertile lands, and artistic inspirations.   Seed of the Cosmic Grove: This small, radiant seed holds the essence of the first tree created by Althea, the "Cosmic Grove." When planted, it grows into a colossal and otherworldly tree with branches that reach into the skies. The tree becomes a sanctuary for artists, scholars, and nature lovers, providing inspiration and wisdom to those who visit.   Althea's Cradle: This intricately crafted cradle is believed to be the one in which Althea rocked the first living beings to sleep. It is often sought after by mothers and midwives, as placing a newborn within it is said to bless the child with a life full of creativity, potential, and fulfillment.   Harmony's Lyre: A celestial lyre that is said to have been played by Althea herself to bring harmony and order to the cosmos. When strummed, it has the power to soothe the wildest of storms, restore balance to nature, and inspire those who listen with creative insights.   These artifacts are not only powerful in their own right but also serve as symbols of Althea's influence over the world and her connection to the creative forces that shape existence.

Holy Books & Codes

The Genesis Codex: This sacred tome is considered the primary holy book of Althea's faith. It narrates the creation myth, describing how Althea shaped the world, breathing life into it. The Genesis Codex contains hymns, parables, and teachings that inspire creativity, promote life-affirming values, and celebrate the beauty of the natural world. It serves as a foundation for Althean theology and is studied by clergy, artists, and scholars alike.   The Book of Blossoms: This book focuses on Althea's connection to nature and the growth of life. It delves into the significance of plants, trees, and flowers in Althea's realm and their role in the cycle of life. The Book of Blossoms provides guidance on agriculture, herbology, and the importance of nurturing the land. It is often consulted by druids and farmers seeking to maintain the vitality of the natural world.   The Artisan's Scroll: Dedicated to Althea's influence on creativity and craftsmanship, this scroll is cherished by artists, craftsmen, and inventors. It contains teachings on various art forms, techniques, and methods, along with tales of legendary artisans who were blessed by Althea. The Artisan's Scroll serves as a source of inspiration and a guide for those who seek to infuse their work with divine creativity.   The Book of Renewal: Focusing on the theme of rejuvenation and healing, this book explores the restorative aspects of Althea's power. It contains spells, rituals, and herbal remedies used by clerics and healers in the service of Althea. The Book of Renewal provides guidance on how to bring about healing and renewal to the world and its inhabitants.   The Hymns of Harmony: This collection of hymns and chants is used in Althean religious ceremonies and celebrations. It includes songs dedicated to the goddess's beauty, creativity, and her role in maintaining balance in the world. The Hymns of Harmony are sung by the clergy and congregations to evoke Althea's presence and blessings.   The Weave of Dreams: This book explores the connection between Althea, dreams, and the power of imagination. It contains tales of individuals who have received visions and divine inspiration through dreams, often leading to significant creative or healing endeavors. The Weave of Dreams serves as a source of guidance for those who seek to understand the ethereal and intuitive aspects of Althea's influence.   These holy books offer a comprehensive understanding of Althea's teachings, her role in creation, and her influence on various aspects of life. They serve as sources of inspiration, guidance, and wisdom for her followers and can be central elements in religious rituals, scholarly studies, and creative endeavors in her name.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Celestial Blossom: A radiant, ever-blooming flower is one of the most iconic symbols of Althea. It represents the constant renewal of life and the beauty of the natural world. Followers of Althea often wear or depict this symbol as a reminder of her role in nurturing and creating life.   The Shifting Palette: The Shifting Palette is a representation of Althea's creative essence. It is often depicted as a colorful artist's palette with brushes and paints, where the colors are ever-changing. This symbolizes Althea's connection to artistic inspiration and the infinite possibilities of creation.   The Spiral of Creation: This symbol resembles a spiral that continuously winds inward. It signifies the cyclical nature of life, where creation, growth, and renewal are ongoing processes. The Spiral of Creation is often seen in sacred architecture, such as on the floors or ceilings of temples.   The Ankh of Life: Inspired by ancient Egyptian symbology, the Ankh represents life and creation. In Althea's context, it is often adorned with vines, leaves, and blossoms, signifying her connection to the natural world and the birth of life.   The Weaver's Loom: This symbol depicts a loom with threads being woven into a tapestry. It represents the goddess's role as the weaver of existence, shaping and crafting the world and all living things. It is often used in rituals and ceremonies that invoke Althea's creative energies.   The Crystal Heart: A crystal heart represents the nurturing and loving aspect of Althea's nature. It embodies the idea that creation comes from the heart and is filled with love and compassion. It is often used in celebrations of love, compassion, and birth.   The Blossoming Tree: The image of a tree in the process of blooming or bearing fruit symbolizes the continuous growth and fertility of the natural world. It is a common representation of Althea's connection to nature and life cycles.   The Sun and Crescent Moon: Althea is sometimes associated with the sun and the moon, representing the dual aspects of creation. The sun symbolizes the life-bringing force, while the crescent moon represents the nurturing and protective aspects of her divinity.   The Infinity Knot: An infinity symbol intertwined with various natural elements, such as vines and leaves, represents the eternal and boundless creative power of Althea. It signifies that her influence knows no limits and is ever-flowing.   The Lotus of Enlightenment: Inspired by Eastern symbolism, the lotus symbolizes purity and spiritual enlightenment. Althea's connection to the lotus represents the idea that creation is a divine and pure act.   These symbols are not only representations of Althea's divine nature but also reminders of the importance of creativity, life, and the natural world. They are used to invoke her presence, seek her blessings, and celebrate her role as the goddess of creation in the world of Ostradin.

Tenets of Faith

Celebrate Life's Diversity: Embrace and honor the myriad forms of life that inhabit the world. Recognize that diversity is a testament to Althea's creativity and the beauty of her creations.   Nurture and Protect: Act as stewards of the land, protecting it from harm and nurturing its growth. Recognize that the earth and all its inhabitants are connected in the cycle of life.   Create Beauty and Art: Express your creativity and the divine spark within you. Whether through art, craftsmanship, or innovative thought, celebrate your ability to shape the world around you.   Seek Harmony: Strive to maintain harmony in all things. Balance the forces of creation, growth, and renewal, ensuring that chaos and destruction do not disrupt the order of existence.   Embrace Renewal: Understand that life is cyclical, with endings leading to new beginnings. Embrace the concept of renewal and do not fear the changes that come with it.   Preserve the Natural World: Protect and preserve the natural world. Althea's gifts can only flourish in a healthy and thriving environment. Be mindful of your impact on the land.   Honor Life's Beginnings: Celebrate birth and the nurturing of life. Recognize the sacredness of the act of creation, whether it be through childbirth, agriculture, or artistic expression.   Defend the Vulnerable: Stand up for those who cannot protect themselves. Just as Althea nurtures the young and the weak, it is your duty to shield them from harm and injustice.   Inspire Others: Be an inspiration to those around you. Encourage others to find their creative potential and contribute to the world's betterment. Share your insights and creative spark with others.   Seek the Muse of Althea: Be open to divine inspiration and guidance from the goddess of creation. Meditate, pray, and contemplate to connect with the creative energies that Althea offers.   These tenets are a reflection of Althea's role as the goddess of creation and the values she represents. They encourage her followers to live in harmony with the world, to create beauty and life, and to be protectors of the natural world. Adhering to these tenets not only brings her blessing but also helps maintain the balance and order she works to instill in the cosmos.


The Festival of Genesis   Date: The festival takes place during the vernal equinox, aligning with the rebirth of the world after the winter months. The exact date may vary slightly depending on the local calendar, but it typically falls around the 20th of Celestrum   Themes and Activities:   Renewal and Rebirth: The Festival of Genesis is a time to celebrate the renewal of life. It's marked by the blossoming of flowers, the return of migratory birds, and the emergence of new leaves on trees. During the festival, communities come together to plant trees, flowers, and other crops, symbolizing the beginning of a new growing season.     Artistic Expression: Althea's influence on creativity is celebrated through various artistic performances and exhibitions. There are art galleries, music performances, theater shows, and poetry readings that showcase the talents of local artists and craftsmen.   Fertility Rituals: The festival includes fertility rituals aimed at blessing couples wishing to conceive or have children. These rituals may involve offerings of seeds and soil to symbolize the creation of new life.   Feasts of Abundance: A central component of the festival is a grand feast featuring an abundance of fresh, seasonal foods. The menu often includes fruits, vegetables, and grains that symbolize fertility and the gifts of the earth.   Processions and Parades: Elaborate processions and parades wind through towns and cities, with participants donning colorful costumes, masks, and floral wreaths. They carry banners, sculptures, and symbols that represent Althea's connection to nature and creativity.   Planting Ceremonies: Communities and individuals partake in planting ceremonies, where they plant trees, flowers, and crops to signify the commencement of the growing season. These rituals are often accompanied by songs, dances, and blessings to invoke Althea's favor.   Craftsmanship Exhibits: Skilled artisans and craftsmen display their creations, showcasing their work and talents. It's a time for appreciation of their artistic abilities and their connection to Althea's inspiration.   Educational Workshops: Temples and community centers offer workshops and lectures on various topics, including horticulture, ecology, and sustainability, encouraging a deeper understanding of Althea's values and teachings.   Ritual Ceremonies: Temples dedicated to Althea hold special ceremonies that involve prayers, offerings, and hymns dedicated to the goddess. Clerics and priestesses guide the faithful in paying their respects to Althea.   The Festival of Genesis serves not only as a time of joy and celebration but also as a reminder of the goddess's influence on the world. It emphasizes the importance of creativity, the nurturing of life, and the preservation of the natural world. This festival unites communities in their reverence for Althea and their commitment to fostering a harmonious and creative existence in Ostradin.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Foster Life and Growth: Althea's primary goal is to nurture life and encourage growth in all its forms. She seeks to ensure that the world is teeming with vitality, from the smallest plant to the most complex sentient beings.   Maintain Balance: Althea endeavors to maintain a delicate balance between creation and renewal, ensuring that life's cycles continue without being overshadowed by chaos or stagnation. She works to harmonize the forces of creation and destruction.   Protect the Natural World: One of Althea's chief concerns is the protection of the natural world. She aims to safeguard the planet and its ecosystems, ensuring that they flourish and thrive, free from harm and desolation.   Inspire Creativity: Althea seeks to inspire creativity and innovation in sentient beings. She wishes for individuals to tap into their creative potential, to be inspired by the world around them, and to contribute to the betterment of society through their artistic or inventive endeavors.   Celebrate Diversity: The goddess encourages the celebration of diversity and the acknowledgement of the beauty in all living things. She strives for a world where each being is appreciated for its uniqueness.   Promote Fertility and Abundance: Althea's divine goal is to promote fertility, ensuring that the land is bountiful and that births occur without complications. She seeks to bring abundance and prosperity to all who inhabit the world.   Nurture the Vulnerable: Althea holds a special concern for the vulnerable and weak. Her goal is to provide care and protection to those in need, especially the young and defenseless.   Support Artists and Creators: She aims to support artists, craftsmen, and creators in their creative endeavors. Her goal is to be the muse that guides their hands and minds, leading to the production of magnificent works of art and invention.   Guide the Growth of Civilization: Althea seeks to guide the development of civilizations, fostering values that prioritize creativity, sustainability, and the protection of the natural world. She hopes that societies evolve in harmony with the environment.   Bring Order to Chaos: One of Althea's overarching goals is to bring order and structure to the chaotic forces that threaten the world. She opposes the destructive, disorderly powers that seek to undo her creative work.   These divine goals reflect Althea's role as the goddess of creation and her commitment to fostering life, beauty, and creativity. Her followers, whether clerics, artists, or nature lovers, strive to align themselves with these objectives to honor her and help maintain the balance and harmony she represents in Ostradin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Althea's visage is said to be ever-changing, taking on different forms to symbolize her ability to craft and mold life in various ways. She is often depicted as a radiant, androgynous being with flowing hair of shifting colors, which symbolizes the ever-evolving nature of creation. Her eyes gleam with the luster of stars, and her skin seems to be made of delicate, ethereal materials that continually shift in hue. Althea is often shown carrying a staff or wand, symbolizing her power to shape and give life.


Lysander Castellan


Towards Althea



Towards Lysander Castellan

Alignment and Allies: Althea is typically portrayed as a neutral good deity. She often collaborates with other benevolent deities, especially those who share her concerns for life, nature, and the betterment of the world. Her most frequent allies include deities of light, fertility, and wisdom.   Opponents: Chaotic and destructive deities often stand in opposition to Althea, as her goals directly conflict with their desires to sow chaos and destruction.
Lore: The myth of Althea's creation tells of a time when chaos reigned, and the world was an empty void. From the chaos, she emerged, taking on the responsibility of shaping the world and all its creatures. Her creation myths vary across different cultures, but one common thread is her tireless work to bring forth life, order, and purpose to the world. Her battles with primordial forces of chaos are often celebrated as her way of ensuring the continued existence of creation.
Divine Classification
Current Location
long, sleek, golden
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
The Tale of the Celestial Forge
Long before the world of Ostradin was as we know it, there was only an endless void, filled with chaos and darkness. Althea, the goddess of creation, emerged from the chaos, determined to shape the formless void into a world teeming with life and beauty. But her divine task was not without challenges.   In the midst of her creative fervor, Althea encountered Erimos, a primordial deity of chaos and entropy. Erimos despised the idea of order and creation and sought to return the world to the void. He unleashed storms of destruction, attempting to unravel Althea's work. The heavens trembled, and the land itself quaked with Erimos' fury.   For centuries, Althea and Erimos engaged in a cosmic struggle. Althea's celestial forge, located in her realm of Elemental Chaos, became the battleground. It was a place of immense creative power, where Althea could shape and craft life, and Erimos could unmake it.   The celestial forge was a place of fiery chaos, where sparks of creation collided with waves of annihilation. Althea, with her celestial staff, stood resolute, shaping new worlds and lifeforms, only to see them threatened by Erimos' destructive forces.   As the battle raged on, Althea's determination and creativity proved unyielding. She fashioned powerful artifacts, created divine beings, and sought the aid of other benevolent deities. With their support, she began to weave a tapestry of harmony, transforming the once-chaotic void into a world filled with vibrant landscapes, diverse life, and intricate ecosystems.   Finally, in a climactic showdown, Althea and Erimos met at the heart of the celestial forge. Their cosmic battle was a dazzling spectacle, with the very fabric of reality trembling at their might. With a burst of creative energy, Althea forged a magnificent tree, the "Cosmic Grove," said to contain the essence of life and the spark of creation itself.   Erimos, witnessing the beauty and order Althea had created, faltered for a moment. In that moment of hesitation, Althea struck, using her celestial staff to banish Erimos from her celestial forge unravelling is very being in to the tiniest of atoms and cast him into the farthest reaches of the cosmos.   The goddess of creation had triumphed. The celestial forge became a place of stability and divine inspiration, where Althea continued to shape life, while the world of Ostradin flourished as a testament to her power and resilience.   This legendary tale serves as a symbol of Althea's unwavering commitment to creation, her ability to overcome chaos, and the enduring triumph of balance and harmony in the world. It is a story that inspires her followers, reminding them that creativity and order can conquer even the greatest of challenges.


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