Dark Elf

also known as the drow, deep elves, night elves, under-elves, and the Dark Ones among orcs, were a dark-skinned sub-race of elves that predominantly lived in the Underdark. They were hated and feared due to their cruelty, however, some non-evil and an even smaller number of good drow existed.

Basic Information


In many ways, the drow resembled other elves or eladrin. Their bodies were wiry and athletic, while their faces were chiseled and attractive, though they were shorter and thinner than other elven sub-races. Due to a process of selective breeding that lasted for several generations, the drow (especially nobles) looked attractive even in comparison to other elven subraces. Though their alluring appearance could be used for seduction, it was more often utilized to instill fear. According to the goblin Nojheim, the beauty standards of the surface races made them prone to turn a blind eye to the deeds of the drow, showing them greater leniency and acceptance.   Reports varied on the physical differences between the drow sexes. Some purported that females were generally bigger and stronger than males, while others claimed the males had superior strength. Both sexes varied in height from 4 feet and 7 inches to 5 feet and 5 inches (140 to 170 centimeters), averaging at 5 feet (150 centimeters). Males weighed between 87 to 157 pounds (39 to 71.2 kilograms), averaging 109.5 pounds (49.67 kilograms), while females were a bit lighter, weighing between 82 to 152 pounds (37 to 68.9 kilograms) and averaging 104.5 pounds (47.4 kilograms).

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Drow names are, like many elven names, quite melodic. But the drow names also contain harsher sounding elements, which usually makes their names stand out from other elven names.

Gender Ideals

In Drow society, female drow were recognized as being more valuable than males, who were considered worthless. This gave females drow absolute power over males and meant they were less likely to be sacrificed. It would be easy to imagine, therefore, that drow females, had it much easier compared to males, but this was merely an illusion. In drow society, where rank was power and power was everything, a prestigious position came at a high cost. Drow ambition combined with the other teachings of Lolth meant that the competition between female drow, particularly those who belonged to powerful houses, was violent, aggressive, and lethal in a way that males didn't have to deal with. It was even worse for those women who sought power outside of Lolth's church, for they had to compete both with other females and oppressed and resentful men. Still, males who hoped to find any place of power often resorted to ends as treacherous as the women who ruled the drow. Men generally tried currying favors with women, attempting to advance their station by attaching themselves to them. For example, some tried to gain high officer positions or win a coveted place as the consort of a powerful matron mother.

Courtship Ideals

Drow "courting" was the domain of women in their society, and for a male to try to initiate a relationship was a form of insubordination and a reason for execution by torture and sacrifice. In general, drow women chose their partners as animals would be chosen for breeding purposes, with males expected not to resist the other's affections. Males had no chance of when the relationship would start or end, while females could do so at their leisure, at least in theory. When a drow male was desired by more than one female, the latter would compete over him. This was by no means a positive circumstance for the male, as a female who lost might decide that if she couldn't have them then no one would. More than once a female would "give up" on a male before flaying him and leaving his corpse in a rival's bedchambers, and a discarded male would more likely end up dead than left alone. Among commoner drow and in non-nyxian societies, matters weren't so extreme. The concept of marriage existed, but was not as permanent, with contracts lasting for a decade or so at longest with the potential for renewal. Merchant clans followed similar rules, but marrying into a clan meant being part of it for life, and trying to leave could be the same as inviting death.

Relationship Ideals

A working long-term relationship between drow was likely not the result of love, but due to tangible reasons, like complementary careers, political influence, attractiveness, or the male having a history of fathering many female offspring. Any actual affection was usually the result of the male being attractive, servile, and never embarrassing the female. The best "normal" romantic relationship between two drow was similar to the one between a spoiled brat and her well trained, obedient dog, with the owner having the right to put the dog down for any reason.

Common Dress Code

The majority of drow wore a piwafwi, a fire-resistant, protective cloak, footwear that functioned as boots of elven kind, and a drow house insignia. The latter showed the House or merchant clan to which a drow belonged, be it as a member or servant. However, except for the First House, insignias weren't openly displayed except when inside the House territory or the clan's base.   Noble drow wore clothes and equipment of superior quality (except, of course, when they didn't want to attract attention). For example, a noble's house insignia didn't just show house allegiance but also carried magic that could be used on command. Web chokers' were considered fashionable by drow priestesses, who also often used powdered Ormu, an Underdark-moss, as eye shadow.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
Female: 4′7″‒5′5″ (140‒170 cm) Male: 4′7″‒5′5″ (140‒170 cm)
Average Weight
Female: 82‒152 lb (37‒68.9 kg) Male: 87‒157 lb (39‒71.2 kg)
Geographic Distribution


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