
In the realm of Ostrium, the continent of Omyth stands as a land of enchantment and adventure, its diverse regions shrouded in mystery and teeming with ancient magic. From the icy peaks of Dragon's Fjord to the misty swamps of Baltos Cove, and from the scorched deserts of the Scorched Expanse to the enchanted depths of the Elderwood, the continent of Omyth offers adventurers a wealth of wonders and dangers to discover in the world of Ostrium.


Ostrium is split into four main areas: The Elder Wood, The Drgaon's Fjord, the Baltos Cove, and The Scorched Expanse

Baltos Cove

  • Description: Situated in the southern swamplands of Ostrium, Baltos Cove is a labyrinthine network of murky marshes, winding rivers, and mist-shrouded bayous. Blessed with a humid climate and fertile soil, this region is a haven for exotic flora and fauna.
  • Features: Dense mangrove forests, winding waterways, murky swamps, and sprawling wetlands. Hidden within the misty depths are ancient ruins and forgotten tombs, guarded by spectral guardians and vengeful spirits.
  • Culture: Tribal communities of swamp-dwellers and witch doctors inhabit Baltos Cove, their lives shaped by the rhythms of the marshes and the secrets of the swamp. They practice ancient rituals and wield potent magics, harnessing the power of nature to survive in their harsh and unforgiving environment.

Dragon's Fjord

  • Description: The Dragon's Fjord is a majestic expanse of icy fjords, towering peaks, and snow-covered valleys located in the northern reaches of Omyth. Named for the ancient dragons that once roamed its skies, this region is renowned for its harsh climate, treacherous terrain, and abundant natural beauty.
  • Features: Glacial fjords, snow-capped mountains, frozen lakes, and dense pine forests. Ruins of ancient dragon lairs and crumbling fortresses dot the landscape, remnants of a bygone era when dragons ruled the skies.
  • Culture: Nordic-inspired tribes and clans inhabit the Dragon's Fjord, living off the land as hunters, trappers, and fishermen. They revere the spirits of nature and the ancient dragons, weaving tales of heroism and adventure around their roaring hearth fires.

Elder Wood

  • Description: Blanketing the eastern edge of Ostrium, the Elderwood is an ancient and mystical forest, its towering trees and tangled undergrowth hiding secrets as old as time itself. Within its shadowy depths, time flows differently, and the boundary between the mortal realm and the faerie realms grows thin.
  • Features: Towering old-growth trees, mist-shrouded groves, tranquil glades, and meandering rivers. Hidden clearings and ancient ruins lie scattered throughout the forest, remnants of forgotten civilizations and eldritch powers.
  • Culture: Druidic circles, elven enclaves, and faerie courts dwell within the Elderwood, attuned to the rhythms of nature and the arcane energies that permeate the forest. They guard its secrets fiercely, wary of outsiders who would disturb the delicate balance of life and magic.

Scorched Expanse

  • Description: Stretching across the western expanse of Ostrium, the Scorched Expanse is a desolate wasteland of barren plains, rocky crags, and searing deserts. Blasted by relentless heat and infused with ancient sorceries, this region is a harsh and inhospitable land.
  • Features: Endless deserts of shifting sands, rocky badlands, geothermal vents, and ruined cities half-buried beneath the sands. Strange and monstrous creatures roam the scorched landscape, drawn to the lingering energies of forgotten magics.
  • Culture: Nomadic tribes and solitary sorcerers traverse the Scorched Expanse, seeking arcane knowledge and hidden treasures amidst the desolation. They are wary of outsiders but quick to defend their territory against those who would seek to plunder its secrets.


Positioned between Ostrium's north pole, and its tropical equator, Omyth has a vast all-encompassing ecosystem, with snowy mountains, lush forests, scalding deserts, and humid wetlands.
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