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Beatrice was the first demigod born into Ostrov.   About 500 years after the arrival of the gods, Natanis fell in love with a woman named Deirdre. While this may not have been the first dalliance between god and mortal, it was the first to result in a pregnancy. To this day Natanis swears he neither intended nor foresaw his daughter’s conception. And while it’s true that a god’s intent can guarantee the conception of a demigod, their lack of intent does not appear to be any guarantee of contraception. Regardless of the unexpected nature of the pregnancy, Natanis was thrilled to be a father. Even as the other gods grappled with the existential implications of half divine-half mortal children, and debated the advisability of making any more, Natanis was busy doting on his baby girl and on her mother.   Natanis has always been a believer that love is better shared and multiplied and when Beatrice was eleven he fell in love again. Ayla was a young widow with a two-year-old son. When she accepted the god’s advances, he invited both of them to join his growing family. Having a sibling did Beatrice good, helping prevent some of the arrogance and pride common among many other demigods. There are few people more capable of puncturing one’s ego than a little brother. This philosophy meshed well with the way Natanis had been raised and since then he has avoided having only children wherever possible.   From a young age, Beatrice not only showed great talent with magic, but also an insatiable curiosity about how things worked. Unlike her father, whose interests tend to skew to the natural sciences, Beatrice had the mind of an engineer. She has spent multiple mortal lifetimes learning and perfecting a variety of crafts, and is a particular patron of blacksmiths, tinkers, and artisans.   When Beatrice was four hundred years old, she began her long affiliation with the Dwarf craftspeople. Of all the races of the world, they felt the closest in spirit to her and she taught them many of the secrets of mining and smithing for which they are now renowned. In some dwarven communities she is revered alongside, or even in place of members of the prime pantheon.   Her current whereabouts are unknown as she values her privacy. Too many random visitors make it difficult to get any work done. While both she and her great workshop remain hidden, the items she crafts still make their way out into the world and into the hands of adventurers. Many a legendary sword or mythic item of jewelry were made by her hands.

Divine Domains

Crafts, blacksmiths, engineers, artisans
Year of Birth
500 9770 Years old


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