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Halfling Steppe

The vast plains of the Eastern Continent have more in common with the savannahs of Africa than the interior of North America. The Halfling  nomads who live there must constantly be on guard for large predators like lions and their horses compete with antelope and giraffe for the best grazing. The abundance of wildlife also provide sources of game, hide, and other animal products. While they keep their horses primarily for riding, they also make use of horse milk, horsehide, and leather. The nomads are fiercely protective of their herds, and while most of the time the things they are protecting against are natural hazards, they show even less mercy to attempted horse thieves. One would need to be either very bold or very stupid to attempt to steal from the halfling herds on the open plains.   Some outsiders come to the outer villages to trade, but it is just as likely that the tradespeople from among the outer settlements will take a caravan of goods south to The Free Cities to trade their and bring back whatever imports they think they can sell.


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