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The orcs are one of two races that originated on the Western Continent, the other being humans. They still live mostly in and around their ancestral homelands near the center of the continent. By nature, they tend to be an insular and stand-offish people, so while you will find orcs in towns and cities elsewhere in the world, they have scattered far less than many of the other sentient races. Most orcs have remained close to nature over the millennia even while other races have tended towards urbanization.   The idea of a nation state is foreign to most orcs, and they organize themselves as a loosely allied confederation of tribes. Within each tribe there may be multiple settlements, which can be broken down in turn into smaller family groups. Many orcish settlements are semi-permanent, or only inhabited seasonally as orc hunters will spend many months of the year moving around the plains in search of game. Depending on their particular tradition, some may bring their entire community with them while they travel, while others may leave the very young, very old, and very specialized at home for weeks or months at a time while they go out hunting. The more settled tribes usually prefer to trade with their neighbors for game rather than engaging in their own hunting expeditions, and will in turn offer the farmed and fashioned goods that benefit from their more sedentary lifestyle.   Orc culture includes a wealth of stories and teachings of their great culture-hero Shamar. While the details of his life are lost to legend, Shamar is still remembered as a powerful magic user, devoted to the protection of the land and of his people. No orc tribe claims Shamar as their own. he belongs to all of them and to none. His wisdom is often a touchstone in orcish proverbs.   It may come as a surprise to most non-orcs that Filus is actually a quite popular deity among the orcs given that they have little time for currency, or for the temple-banks that are his hallmark everywhere else in the world. Orcish trade networks are in fact incredibly complex. While in more recent times international trade has eclipsed them in scale, the first orcs were the earliest to profit from interdependence upon each other’s specialized labor. Many an orc will keep an amulet of Filus on their person to bring them good fortune in their trade dealings, and while he usually prefers to work in harder currency, Filus has come to respect his devotees who prefer to deal with their finances in kind.   The second most popular god in orc society is Mara . Some have speculated that her tendency to find aggressive solutions to problems is the main reason for this, but it is just as likely that they value her for her sense of fairness. Mara is nothing if not direct, and since many orcs have little time for subterfuge and deceit they appreciate a god who will be up front about herself with her devotees. Orcs are also deeply invested in both personal and group honor, which in turn conveys respectability and status on an orc or group of orcs who are seen to act honorably. For those who are dishonorable, swift vengeance may be the easiest solution. While there have been more than a few orc wizards, their mages tend to be sorcerers, clerics (of the more shamanic variety), and rangers, which also fit better with Mara than some of the other divine options.

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