Kamal Yan Iya Character in Ostyria | World Anvil

Kamal Yan Iya (ˈkeɪməl jæn Iya)

Hand of the Federation Kamal Yan Iya

Kamal Yan Iya, born Kamal Yan Farza, was the first porter ever discovered by The Federation and brought about a new age for Iya. As a porter, Kamal was able to transport thousands of Wayfinders across the lost sectors of Iya to retrieve artifacts from the Age of Miracles and uncover hidden secrets. However, Kamal himself was never allowed to transport himself although he desperately wanted to. The lost sectors of Iya intrigued Kamal, so much beauty and wonder lost during The Planar Convergence, he wanted to see for himself even if it was dangerous.

For many years Kamal did as he was told, played the good Federation employee. He gained renown and power within the Federation and was appointed to the board of directors as the Hand. As Hand he was in charge of the porters and where the wayfinders went, this was the position he needed. Being a leader in the Federation jaded him, made him sharp and severe but deep down he never lost his desire to see the rest of Iya. One early morning Kamal requisitioned a Translocation Pole (TP), he headed to the closest Portapad, activated his spark, and disappeared.

Much to the chagrin of the Premier and the rest of the board, they were unable to find Kamal. The normal methods of tracing someone that was transported via TP did not work. Kamal had taken with him the master TP, a TP that held all found locations (beacons) within the lost sectors of Iya, which was a major setback for the Federation. It is not known if Kamal is still alive but the Federation has not given up the search for him and more importantly the master TP.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Young Kamal Yan Iya by EbonxGaming (via Midjourney)

Early Life

Kamal was born to a typical Waller family, struggling to survive and relying on the Federation to provide the necessities of life. His mother Farza was a maid for a Magnate family and his father Malac tended to their home. His birth was nothing special, so there was no indication of the life he would one day lead. Kamal did what all Waller kids do, run the streets, do odd jobs, fight, steal, and dream of a better life. School wasn't something his family could afford and he wouldn't want to go to the Federation Academy of Excellence anyway, those kids always picked on him and his friends.

A few days after Kamal's 10th birthday everything changed, him and his friends were running around when a group of non-waller kids approached them and began to harass them. A kid larger than them all stepped up to Kamal and threatened to beat him up. Kamal was not one to keep his mouth shut so he made a witty comment which upset the larger kid and we swang on Kamal. What happened next was completely unexpected. Kamal took the punch but shook it off, overcome with extreme emotion he lashed out at the larger kid and when he managed to get a hand on him Kamal's spark awoken.

Federation officers were hailed, the larger kid was never found and Kamal was in complete shock. He didn't know what he just did but he knew it couldn't have been good. Moments flew by like a blur, being arrested, escorted to his home, his parents being told what happened, yelling...lots of yelling. Then that man came, his family was invited to dinner at Federation HQ. Kamal didn't really understand what was happening but when words like Divine Spark and payment came up he tried to pay more attention.

Dinner ended and instead of going home Kamal was shown to a room, the nicest room he had ever seen. Food and drink was brought to this room and he was told he can rest in the room. This was luxury, Kamal was besides himself, how he had gone from somehow vanishing that bully to being wined and dinned, it was a miracle. The sun settled into place the next morning and Kamal awoke,it would be a few days before Kamal came to the realization that this was his new home.

Young Adult Kamal Yan Iya by EbonxGaming (via Midjourney)

The Federation

The initial days as a ward of the Federation were full of awe and wonder. Everything was so new and shiny, like nothing he had ever seen before. He knew hunger well but there he was able to eat till he was full. He was given a new set of clothes, these didn't have extensions sewn in from other fabrics. He took a bath, everyday as opposed to once a month. The life of luxury felt good to Kamal but in the back of his mind he couldn't shake an uneasy feeling.

Training began, how to harness his spark more readily and easily was the focus. Apparently he was what is called a Porter, able to transport people and things to a distance instantly. His days now consisted of a full training regiment, with time to eat, clean, and sleep in between. He hated this new schedule, he had no time to explore the HQ and find new things, and his instuctor was mean. Soon the school year began and he was enrolled and although this allowed him to get outside more, it meant he had to be around the same kids that used to bully him. He asked many times if he could go see his friends or family at the Wall but was strictly forbidden. For many years his life was regimented, planned out down to the hour.

By the time Kamal was an adult he had already ported many Wayfinders. The first time he held a Translocation Pole (TP), he felt like the world was in his hands. It amplified his abilities and directed them, making it much easier to pinpoint a location for transport, with this he could go anywhere. He enjoyed listening to the debriefs of expeditions, his mind able to paint vivid pictures of what the wayfinders described. He always asked wayfinders to tell him one new thing they saw or experienced, he presented the question as a scholarly pursuit but deep down it was so that he could live vicariously through them.

He was granted more freedoms as he got older, but by the time he was allowed to walk Iya unsupervised, he decided it was best he stay away from the Wall. Those he knew in the past would be very different and he didn't want to deal with a bunch of questions and jealousy.

Time passed by quickly, Kamal desired to rise in the ranks at the Federation. To do so he had to kill parts of him that held him back, his ties to the Wallers, the lingering questions in his mind, the many daliances with his peers. In order to get to where he needed to be, he had to become the Federation, be a star employee, and so he did. The only true part of Kamal that existed by the time he was 50, was the wonder that he refused to discard. He hid the desire to explore, to get away, for 40 years but soon an opportunity he could not miss would arise.

Wonder and Desire by EbonxGaming (via Midjourney)


Shortly after his 50th birthday he was appointed to a position on the board of the directors for the Federation. He was put in charge of all general employees at the Federation this included wayfinders and porters. He was now in charge of what expeditions got approved and when they would commence. The most exciting part of this new position was that he was entrusted with the master TP. He had held it many times, he was the most senior porter after all, but it was always kept locked away and only brought out when new beacons had to be linked. Now it was kept in his suite, right beside him.

The plan that had hatched in Kamal's mind was ready to execute. He needed to determine which sector he would go to, what time to leave, and most importantly he had to ensure that the Federation could not follow him. His powers were only amplified by the TP, but he was no Miratech specialist. He had tried to find answers in the archives but was unsuccessful. So he decided he would wing it, all those years ago he had transported a kid somewhere to never be found again, he would do it again.

And so the morning came, Kamal gathered what he needed and took the master TP in hand. He went to the Porter department and requistioned a standard TP, linked a beacon from the master to the standard, then headed to the Portapad, a platform designed to intake and dispatch groups of wayfinders to the various lost sectors of Iya. In the center of the Portapad, Kamal stood, looking upon Iya in wonder. He activated the standard TP, honed in on the beacon he chose, and instead of allowing the TP to do the heavy lifting, he harnessed the power of the TP, something he never thought to do before, and in an instant...he was transported.

Current Status
Date of Birth
5th of Mautat, 901 PC
Date of Death
Year of Birth
901 PC 145 Years old
Serious with wonder hidden behind them, one is light gold the other is auburn
Short, slightly untamed, white-grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sandy, Light Tan
175 lbs.
Aligned Organization

Yan Iya

In Waller culture if one decides to leave their family for any reason other than matrimony, they drop the name of their mother and replace it with Iya. This represents them being a child of Iya, the city or the Sovereign for whom they venerate. Yan means son of, Ina means daughter of, and Iy means child of.

It took Kamal a long time to decide to drop the name of his mother. After his adoption by the Federation he didn't really know how to feel he was only 10. At the age of 30 and after much reflection, Kamal decided it was time. Unknown to anyone, Kamal penned a letter to his mother and father detailing his feelings and thoughts and ultimately his decision, he had the letter secretly delivered to them.

Letter to Farza and Malac
Document | Jul 30, 2023

Cover image: by Hanhula (via Midjourney)
Character Portrait image: Older Kamal Yan Iya by EbonxGaming (via Midjourney)


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