The World Serpent

Many of The Eclipsed gods have left their mark on Ostyria but none quite as large as the World Serpent. No one knows where they came from but all know the destruction they brought upon the world and the long-lasting effects of their fall.

Planar Convergence

It was during The Planar Convergence that the World Serpent first appeared. A serpent-like cosmic being as long as the world, they were a force to be reckoned with as they sided with the Betrayer to destroy Ostyria. When it moved mountains shifted, sea levels rose, and the sky fell. It took the combined might of many Primes to defeat the World Serpent and its felling was the climax of the long war that had lasted centuries. When it broke the world; the land was shattered and large chunks were cast away. Disparate continents were born from this shattering, none knowing the fate of the others, each having to contend with the long-lasting effect the Planar Convergence wrought.


When the World Serpent fell, its body crashed into the world causing a massive rent, this tear is known to most simply as the Chasm. From the body sprang forth corruptive ooze and aberrant creatures, the nature of which was completely unknown. The World Serpent is also called the Aberrant Father due to this occurrence. It took many years to contain the fallout from the World Serpent's death but now the Chasm is seemingly contained along with the beings that live within.

Cosmic Origins

The true origins of the World Serpent are unknown to the denizens of Ostyria, but the Universe knows it well. The World Serpent was an entity that belonged to a cosmic order of beings known as the Ruin. They travel the Universe destroying worlds they come in contact with hoping to prevent Cosmic Sparks from fulfilling their mission of creating new and unique worlds.

The World Serpent was hailed by the Betrayer and was a trump card that was supposed to ensure the destruction of Ostyria. However, worlds are not all defenseless and in this particular case, the World Serpent bit off way more than it could chew. Whether or not its cosmic essence will reconstitute elsewhere in the Universe is unknown.


Cover image: by Hanhula (via Midjourney)


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