Pilirin (Pil-i-rin)

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Pilirins have fins of varying sizes that cover their ears. Their facial features tend to be smoother than other Elven races, though otherwise are similar. Their canine teeth are sharper than other Elven races. Hair colors are typically similar to their skin tone, though may also be different. Natural hair colors are teal, white, deep blue, and light blue. Natural eye colors are light blue, deep blue, and teal.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Pilirins are mostly located in the Piliris Isle, though there are many who have relocated around the world. South-East Abrean seems to be their second-preferred location. They are an uncommon race to see outside of their original location.

Civilization and Culture


Air was the first of the elementl race, in the form of Quelanis. It was not long until Fuarus (God of Earth and Soil), Agla (Goddess of Heat and Fire), and Fanha (Goddess of Water and Oceans) took notice of Qualena’s creation and wanted to make some of their own. Qualean, Fuarus, and Agla eventually became bored with their creations and retreated back to their previous tasks of maintaining the planet. Fanha, however, felt that her work for the planet was completed, and shut herself away in the ocean to create more creatures and tend to her children. As such, the first Pilirins were very close to their creator, and they still try and follow her teachings to this day.   Fanha loved her children, and cherished them greatly. Her creations were able to breathe both underwater and on land, a feat no other mammal-like race could achieve. She would often play with them in the reefs, chasing them and teaching the young ones how to braid kelp into crowns. She taught her children how to play and respect one another above all else. As the years passed on, she became less like a god to her people and more of a mentor. She was equally loved by her students.   When the war of the Gods started, Fanha was called back to the heavens. She promised her children that she would return as soon as she was able. Centuries passed, and mortals eventually received the news that the war was over and the gods would not return to Otrina. The Pilirins prayed and prayed for days endlessly. When they received no response from their beloved teacher, they could only assume she has perished in the battle. It is said that the water level raised twenty stones from all the tears shed from her people.   Faced with the unbearable truth, the Pilirins decided to dedicate their first permanent settlement to her and her teachings. They declared that this city would be a city of free learning and peace. That all who shall come there would know love and understanding. Understandably, they named this city Fanha and started work on it at the bottom of the ocean.   It took 20 years of tireless work, but the final product was astounding. Towers that came high above even the tallest Kelp. A large, beautiful glass cathedral dedicated to Fanha, built close to the shore. It created a myriad of colors on the floor and walls during sunrise, drawing any pious enough to wake that early. Several small coliseums were scattered around, used for study and education. Large play parks for children dotted the map, and homes were built both communally and close together.
Source: Unknown   Source: Julia Grzona
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Sea Elves
100 Years
Average Height
Female: 5'4" / 163cm Male: 5'7" / 170cm
Average Weight
Female: 125ibs / 57kg Male: 140ibs / 64kg
Average Physique
Pilirins tend to be smaller than other elven races, both in height and in weight. It is believed their smaller stature was evolved after their exodus from Fanha. They have a set of gills that sit on the side of their neck.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pureblood Pilirins come in hues between light blue, teal, and deep blue. Pilirins that are half-races will most likely take the skin hue of the other race. White lines begin to appear on their skin as they age, typically starting around 40 years old.
Geographic Distribution


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