Haris Character in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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First encountered as the bait of an ambush, appearing as a small elf girl. She returned to her presumably true form upon death, a heavily disfigured elven woman with a prominant scar along her jawline, and the ear on that side shorn off. According to Noggie and Dharrakir, she was responsible for making contact with the party, and chose to ambush the party in a pre-emptive attempt to gain the upper hand. Noggie inferred that she was brutish like that, and Dharrakir expressed regret in having to rely on her for that particular assignment.   It was on her body that the party found the golden idol of woven thorns that allowed them to communicate with Dharrakir, as well as an Alchemy Jug and Liar's Edge.

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