Lorrel Frostfrazzle Character in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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Lorrel Frostfrazzle

A doddering, relatively incoherent old gnome. The party was able to glean various details from him, as well as a few items and some gold.  

As the party met him

  He seemed convinced at various points that he was still waiting on three others, to make a trip into the Feywilds. Myshal, a male human rogue, Samma, a female Dwarf cleric, and Durell, a male dragonborn fighter. At other points, he was relatively sure that they had already gone, but wasn't sure where everyone else was.   He didn't know how long that he'd been waiting, and also on occasion seemed confused about where his imp, Kimaru, had run off to.   A cat he referred to as Chemmy seemed to be living with him, which he only partially acknowledged. It seemed unable or uninterested in speaking with Bulgey when he attempted to speak with animals. The creature drew Maldwyn's attention, and there seemed to be some sort of tacit understanding, but nothing more.   He lived on the ground floor of an old tower, and had long since forgotten about what lied upstairs.  

As the party left him

  When the party reintroduced him to what Tilly had identified as a lock of Nymph hair from the chest in the hidden basement, his mind returned to him, at least partially. He confirmed with more certainty that he had indeed already been to the Feywilds, but couldn't recall anything about how he returned. He had fond memories of the nymph, but could not remember much beyond being clearly enthralled by her.   Happy to have this apparently treasured possession back, Lorrel gladly allowed the party to take the rest of what they found, and they left him to his ruminations.
Current Location
Whispy light pink hair and beard.

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