Priest at Arms Keph Character in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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Priest at Arms Keph

A young human paladin stationed at the Vera's Cathedral, he was standing at the door when the party arrived about missing persons, and directed them to Mother Binny Purlow. Later, when Brian (and eventually the others) returned with both missing girls that Mary had been holding, he directed in their healing and care, thanking Brian and expressing that he would put in a request for reward, and bring new of it to them at The Blushing Crow.   The next morning however, he was waylaid by an unexpected diplomatic duty, to meet with an unannounced diplomat. Seeing that Duke Orion Latchfoot was a member of the group that had saved the two girls just the day before, he expressed a willingness and sympathy to Orion's plight. However, any desires to further assist the Duke were completely sidetracked by the sunfall. He was last seen at Vera's Cathedral tending to the injured and prepping for evacuation.

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