The Windlord's Tomb Plot in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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The Windlord's Tomb

"Should you be cast adrift on the winds of change, my aid is offered; through strength obtained."
  The party's dive into the Windlord Erhimit's tomb during Session 3.

Plot points/Scenes

The Front Gate:

A wrought iron gate just inside the mausoleum proved no challenge whatsoever; Brian was able to push it open without any trouble.  

The Planar Door:

Down the stairs into the tomb, the party encountered a large, solid wooden door, with a central ring, and four rings overlapping slightly above, below, left, and right of it. Each ring, at it's center, had a keyhole, and text etched above them. The center keyhole had etched above it, in common, the word "Unsafe". Brian recognized the text at the top lock as Auran, and it read "Safe". Vita Kali recognized this pattern as a possible representation of the Elemental Planes, and with some trial and error with the languages they could not read, along with Fork's lockpicking skill, were able to open the door (mostly) unscathed.    

The Elemental Flames:

The next room forked out into a set of three different doors, without handles or locks, and a plaque inset on a central column. The plaque read, in Auran, "Here lies the Windlord Erhimit, General of the Elemental, and Ally of the Material. Should you be cast adrift on the winds of change, my aid is offered; through strength obtained." After some quick searching about of some empty crates and the corridors, the party identified a trio of torches, one near each door. Deducing that the missing piece of the three torches, of water, fire, and stone, was air, the party with some false starts, was eventually able to successfully apply enough wind to each simultaneously to the three torches. Doing so caused both the doors to open, and heavy iron bars to fall, locking the group into position separately in front of the now open rooms. Bulgey and Vita were locked in place at the left door, Brian was locked in front of the central door, while Fork, Tilly, and Maldwyn were locked in front of the rightmost door.    

The Trial of the Three:

Entering the rooms in front of them, the doors behind the party sealed, and three creatures formed from the materials of the floor in each. With Vita and Bulgey in a room with a glowing cinder floor, a firey humanoid lizard creature formed. With Brian, in a room with a gravel floor, a tall earthen construct formed. With Fork, Tilly, and Maldwyn, in a room submerged in a shallow pool of water, a huntress formed of frost.   The frost huntress was dealt with most quickly, as the party had the numeric advantage against it, while Brian slowly whittled down the earthen construct. It was Vita and Bulgey against the fire lizard that had the most trouble; trapped in close range against a creature immune to fire. Tilly and Fork assisted as best they could from a distance through the bars, but it was close; with both Bulgey and Vita falling unconscious.   With the three creatures defeated, the bars were raised, and those knocked out were revived, although Vita gained a fiery aura for a few minutes courtesy of one of Dorro's potions. The party, badly needing rest, decided to venture cautiously into the next room, where daylight and a pleasant breeze were unexpectedly blowing in from.  

The Windlord's Final Rest:

Find themselves rejuvenated, and on a parapet floating within an endless sky, the party inspects a large sarcophagus covered in glowing runes. Banners, carried by some indeterminate breeze, were lifted in the sky around it, and a bronze plaque in auran set before it. "Should a strong wind wish to lift these fallen leaves back into the air, shout loud the name of such a gale." After some puzzling over the meaning, Brian shouts his name aloud. A strong gale gusts suddenly across the parapet, and a visage of Windlord Erhimit appears above the sarcophagus, as the rest of the party is engulphed in tornadoes of strong wind.   While the party tried to extricate itself and support from the ground, Brian battled the djinni in the sky, on occasion trying to lure the creature down into melee range for his companions. After a grueling fight, with a tight lipped smile and nod, the spirit vanished, and the runes on the sarcophagus faded, allowing the party access to Windlord Erhimit's armor and belongings.
Plot type

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