Vita Character in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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Vita Kali

Played by Kourtney C.   An Aasimar Druid.  

As Known by the Party

Was in Eberron, in an area ruled by the Undying Court before she was warped into Coluria with the rest of the party.  Has expressed that her true home is Mt. Celestia, where she was force out to some degree because of the actions of a Tiefling woman named Amosia.   Has demonstrated an understanding of the arcane and planar fields of study.   Accepted the role of teacher for Neshto Fael’Morra, to further his druidic studies.   Within Dharrakir's camp, in a fit of emotion, she revealed herself to be an Aasimar, not a human. One that had been cast out of Mt. Celestia, and has been looking for a way home.  


A druidic circlet, formerly of Puyen Fin'Greela, Neshto's previous teacher.   Leather Armor   Windlord Erhimit's Scimitar   An Insignia of Claws  

Style of Fighting

Despite first impressions, Vita took to being a frontline defender, often finding herself the focus of melee enemies. Utilizing a variety of magics to alter terrain, knock enemies back with thunder, or throw orbs of fire, she's also begun to demonstrate her prowess as a healer and melee attacker; capable of summoning a healing spirit creature that the party can utilize, while she shapeshifts into a wolf or bear and goes on the offensive.

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