Pryltian Beast Hunt
In order to champion their own glory, the Tritons of Prylt compete in hunting games which test the wit, strength, and teamwork of participants. Teams of 5 are sent out to capture and bring back an enormous killer whale. These beasts require cunning traps, guts, raw power, and synergy. Before they can take down the beast they must first overcome the threats of the sea. Upon slaying the creature they sail back ensuring other contestants do not cherry pick their prize at the finish line. After the competition Prylt hosts a celebration where the Orca is prepared as a feast by the greatest chefs Prylt can offer. The victors are paraded and offered a silver earring which allows the wearer to constantly feel a cool sea breeze.
The significance of the hunt comes from the days when the Tritons were nomadic. Their pride leads to a test of their prowess against the champions of the deep. In order to ensure they are still the greatest in the sea, Prylt conquers the beast which towers over any single Triton.
Components and tools
Anchors are cast down to pin the beast down.
The hunters are selected from the knights who are training to become Pryltian Paladins.
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