The party travels across The Restless Hills locating Roc and fulfilling Kaedwyn's bounty.
As the party begins their journey through the mountain pass Marcelline's emotions get the better of her. She feels she has undertaken a task greater than she expected and departs to bring Twilla back to her family for a burial at home.
The party continues on down the path for some time. Along the way they meet Cyrus, a half elf who says they're traveling to Daemon Keep to deliver a package. After a brief discussion they decide to join up with the party for the sake of safety in numbers.
After over a month of travel through the mountains, braving sheer cliffs and hunting for their food, the party finally discover the trail of Roc, and it seems that he has a Giant with him. Together, they track the Changeling to a hidden crevasse within the mountain where he's been camping. They find him speaking with an illusion of Lord Idris Daemon before jumping the Changeling. After a brief fight with both Roc, and the Young Lesser Giant who was with him, the two are defeated. Roc is interrogated for information, and the party learns that Lord Daemon is planning to bring together the three pieces of The Canticle of the Profane, though he doesn't know why. He tells them of Daemon's three generals, The Dragon, The Necromancer, and The Unholy Warrior. He also disclosed that Daemon already has The Bleeding heart. When he gave up all the information he had, Kaedwyn ended his life, removing his head as proof of bounty.