Mount Mistrulir

"...The treasury in this mountain castle mints Stumper Sovereigns for The Pit 'N' Swet Krew..."

This is the home of a community of Dwarf miners and craftsmen led by the elderly hero Dalad Sharpblade.

An illustration of Mount Mistrulir, Dalad's Castle in the west of the Hard Lands
Mount Mistrulir, Dalad's Castle in the west of the Hard Lands by Noël Mallet

The dwarves live in a castle which extends down into the rock of the mountain. Beneath it, they manage a large complex of mines where they extract valuable ores and gems.

Below the castle but above the mines, are the armouries and workshops where the dwarves create the most wondrous works of art.


Purpose / Function

Originally opened as a mine for precious metals and gems many years ago, the upper galleries of this mine where minerals have been extracted are now home to the workshops of Dalad the Dwarf and his companions.

The craftsmen specialise mainly in Jewellery made from Gold, platinum and silver, but are experts in crafting lightweight but extremely strong and effective armour as well.

The treasury in this mountain castle mints Stumper Sovereigns for The Pit 'N' Swet Krew from time-to-time.

The stronghold and luxurious accommodation above the workshops is a much later add-on which was built under the direction of Dalad when he took the mine over from his father.

Underground, the mines now run extremely deep and still yield record-breaking amounts of ore and precious stones.



The mines are now very deep and as with any underground work props and supports are required to maintain the integrity of the tunnels.

As wood is scarce in the mountains, the dwarves have instead used stone to prop and face the mineshafts, creating a very finished-looking effect throughout the mine complex.

One could be forgiven for thinking that the galleries approaching the mine face are passageways leading to a royal throne room such is the quality of workmanship.

The only areas not finished with cut stone are the working faces of the mine galleries.

Characters in Location

Cover image: The Hard Lands by Noël Mallet


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