
"Dalad is king of Mount Mistrulir"

Dalad Sharpblade is a dwarven King and hero who lives in a mountain castle called Mount Mistrulir. The castle sits above a gold mine in the north-west of the The Hard Lands.


Many of his friends and family live in the castle with Dalad. They are very talented craftsmen and make beautiful Jewellery as well as other every-day items.  They trade their wonderful crafts with the people in Big City.


GRiNdaL the Goblin has a happy and unlikely friendship with Dalad. (Dwarves and goblins don’t usually get along). They often help each other out on their many adventures.

Favourite colour


Favourite food

Roast Beef

Favourite place

Looking out of Mount Mistrulir across the Hard Lands

Favourite item of clothing

Stonemason’s apron

Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

Cover image: The Folk of the Hard Lands by Noël Mallet
Character Portrait image: Dalad the Dwarf by Noël Mallet


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Jan 9, 2021 22:05

I like Dalad, he is obviously a hard Dwarf but his love for mining and jewels far out way his dislike of Orcs and Trolls

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