The Pit 'N' Swet Krew

"...they have now decided to settle down and run a very successful Tavern..."

This band of brewers, millers, bakers and smiths are the toughest band of Ogres](species:fc58e21d-bb83-4f49-8b3b-975c4046b26e) and Orcs in the whole of The Hard Lands. In fact you would hard-pushed to find any regiment or troop of warriors anywhere that could match their martial ability on the battlefield.


Having spent much of their lives living as many Ogre and Orc tribes do, (roaming the wilderness and ending up in battles), they have now decided to settle down and run a very successful Tavern. They are all a little bit older and wiser and enjoy leading slightly quieter lives than previously.

They maintain their ties with many of their past associates who visit them from time to time.


A tough band of warriors

When sinister forces menace the north-east side of the Creepy Crawly Woods, they don their armour and stand firm, ready to protect their Tavern and the woods beyond.

It goes without saying that if you go for a drink at the Pit 'N' Swet you can be sure there will not be any trouble (unless you decide to upset the Bar-Staff!)



The Ogres are the 'Bosses' and they form the figurehead that runs the group.

The big bossy Orcs are respected by the Ogres and they have a lot of responsibility in the organisation. Its fair to say that without them the whole thing would collapse into complete chaos.

The rest of the orcs are enthusiastic and tough when they need to be, but are better off listening to the advice of the Big Bossy Orcs who have a much better grasp of how to run the Tavern and make a living from it.

Ere we go!

Founding Date
Military Order
Alternative Names
Da Ladz
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories

Articles under The Pit 'N' Swet Krew


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