Mushroom Cave

"...Further into the cave some galleries open out into huge caverns where mushrooms have grown into tree-sized specimens..."

The Mushroom cave has its main entrance in the Creepy Crawly woods to the northwest of the goblin's cave.

A detailed map of the Creepy Crawly Woods showing the location of the Mushroom Farm Cave and West Arch
by Noël Mallet

Mushrooms of all types grow wild in these caves, the environment is perfect for them, and the goblins harvest them for all manner of uses. Many are edible, some are suitable for grinding into a type of flour for making bread, others can be used to brew beer, make wine, and can even be distilled into pure alcohol.


Further into the cave some galleries open out into huge caverns where mushrooms have grown into tree-sized specimens, providing some unusual materials similar to leather and wood.

Some of the caves provide magical ingredients for some of Fishwhips experiments in his Alchemy Lab.


Ra-Ra spends much of his time in the Mushroom Farm Cave. He understands the underground growing seasons and shows the goblins which mushrooms are ready to harvest next.

Cave System
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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