
"Ra-Ra knows a lot about mushrooms ..."

Ra-Ra is a Bugbear and that’s why he is much taller than his goblin friends.


He has been looking after the Mushroom Farm in the Creepy Crawly Woods for a very long time, even before the Goblins moved into their cave. He is a very friendly and helpful character and soon struck up a good friendship with them.


Ra-Ra knows a lot about mushrooms and he knows exactly which ones are safe to eat, and which ones are dangerous. He cultivates lots of different varieties in the Mushroom cave and he and Bilge often take them to the Market in the Big City at the end of the month if the crop has been particularly good.

Favourite colour

Bright green

Favourite Place

Mushroom Cave

Best Friend


Favourite Food

Mushrooms on toast

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Ra-Ra the Mushroom Farmer by Noël Mallet


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