Goblins of Norfwood

"...the Goblins are the eyes and ears of Norfwood and make sure the Ogres and Orcs get told about any unwanted visitors..."

GRiNdaL and the Goblins that live in Norfwood Cave are close friends with the Pit 'N' Swet Krew. Before they lived in their cave on the Banks of the Swinko, they were part of the gang of Uruks who roamed the The Hard Lands.


Anyone who knows much about Goblin will know how much they prefer the dark than being out and about during the day, so living in the cave suits them very well.

By having their own place to live it’s meant the Goblins now have found their own identity as a tribe and adopted their own symbol, the Purple Mushroom Pennant. They are still great friends with the Ogres and Orcs and frequently visit the Tavern to share a feast or enjoy a party with them, but they have now also made new friends inside and outside the woods.


The Goblins have their own special role in the woods as delegated to them by Stumper. They are the eyes and ears of Norfwood and make sure the Ogres and Orcs get told about any unwanted visitors.

The Goblins get a lot of help in this job from Sukey the Spider and all her creepy crawly friends


When the goblins aren’t spying or sneaking they spend a lot of time looking after their Mushroom Cave. A lot of different types of mushrooms grow in the cave and Fishwhip the alchemist and his team in the The Goblin Laboratory have worked out how to use them for lots of different things. They are always carrying out new experiments to see if they can find any new uses for them

Geopolitical, Tribe
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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