Tall Fairy

"The Tall Fairy often guides visitors who have lost their way..."

The Tall Fairy is one of the The Wise of the Woods, a group led by the Woodland King. She often guides visitors who have lost their way and keeps them on the right path to make sure they avoid Spiderwood and the realm of the Sprites, keeping them safe.


She is so well known by all the creatures of the woods that she even has a copse of oak trees named after her.

She enjoys walking and travelling but never goes too far from the woods. No-one knows where she really lives. Some say she just visits from time to time from the land of Faery, and that the Tall Fairy’s Oaks are just a doorway that lets her travel here and back again.


The Tall fairy is good friends with the Woodland King and many of the creatures that live in the woods, especially the foxes and the Bees of Kingshive.

Favourite colour


Favourite food


Best Friend

Woodland King

Favourite item of clothing

Her bottomless magic bag

Favourite place

Listening to the humming of the Bees at Kingshive

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Cover image: The Wise of the Woods in discussion by Noël Mallet
Character Portrait image: The Tall Fairy by Noël Mallet


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