The Wise of the Woods

"...They all agree that change is the only contant force in the woods..."

This group of woodland dwellers are a council of leaders who recognise the Woodland King as their figurehead.

They meet 4 times each year in the Glade of the Oldest Oak on each solstice and equinox, to manage the affairs of the Creepy Crawly Woods and ensure its security.


The Wise have realised that the best way to ensure the Woods remain secure is to invite a diverse circle of unlikely allies to inhabit the borders of the wood. In return for the gift of bountiful land, the allies of the wise agree to keep intruders out of their lands and protect the woods themselves.

Core members

The core members comprise the following woodland dwellers:


Occasional attendees

Sometimes there is a pressing need for a different point of view or some 'heavy lifting'. When this happens the Matron of Spiderwood, a delegate from the The Pit 'N' Swet Krew, the Woodland Princess or Malum, Dame of Spritewood, are asked to attend and offer their help.

Spring Equinox

At the meeting in Spring the Great White Stag is always invited to attend. The Stag represents the force of growth and plenty and the Stag brings the vitality of the young to the spring meeting


Summer Solstice

The summer meeting takes place on the same evening as the King's Midsummer's eve party. The King usually trys to get the business completed as early as possible in the evening to ensure he doesn't miss the beginning of the party which will inevitably start without him if he is late. The Queen Bee of Kingshive often attends this meeting as she is wise in the ways of weather and can help predict how long the season will stay warm before the onset of Autumn.


Autumn Equinox

Wolf attends this meeting. He is the counterpoint of the Great White Stag and he heralds the leaner times which are sure to follow. He will bring rumour from afar of those who may threaten the bounty of the land. Many wonder why Wolf is invited and why he never bothers the woods in his great hunt for winter food, but that is a secret known only to himself and the Woodland King.


Winter Solstice

This meeting marks the shortest day, the end of an old year and the start of a new one. Often Jack Frost will appear uninvited from the land of Faery and try and bargain for a colder but shorter season of winter in his quest to chill the world while the Wise discuss how to make the best of this cold and lonely aspect of the year.


The only constant in the Woods is change

The Wise of the Woods are all in agreement about one thing however. They all agree that change is the only contant force in the woods, and that change is what keeps the Woods vibrant and alive. They know that lands which fail to change are bound to wane and perish...


  • Creepy Crawly Woods
    The Creepy Crawly Woods are found near the centre of the Hard Lands
Druidic Circle
Controlled Territories

Articles under The Wise of the Woods

Cover image: The Wise of the Woods in discussion by Noël Mallet


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