
"Wheedle is always cheerful and confident..."

Wheedle is an excellent archer. He’s an even better shot than GRiNdaL.


Wheedle is always cheerful and confident and inspires the other Goblins to always try to do their best.


The Goblins often look to him as a leader when GRiNdaL is not around.

Wheedle's Needle

Wheedle is not only the best Goblin archer, because of his excellent skills with hand and eye, he is also the best weaver and tailor and makes all the Goblin's clothes.

He has a magic Needle, which he always carries in his belt pouch. This helps him make the Goblins' clothes quickly and the stitching is so strong, it rarely breaks. He claims that his Needle was enchanted by an elf maiden he met in the Creepy Crawly Woods, but Wheedle is also good at making up stories!

Unfortunately, he is SO proud of his Needle, that he never shuts up about it and will show it to anyone who even remotely mentions it.

As a result, if any of the Goblins ever mentions 'Wheedle's Needle' out loud, they usually get a sharp jab in the eye to remind them not to!

Favourite colour


Favourite Place

Caves and Caverns

Best Friend


Favourite Food

Old smelly cheese

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Wheedle the Goblin Archer by Noël Mallet


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