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Gods of Rularia's Ascendant

Mythology & Lore

Frey's Disappearance to Erendoc

  At some point after his ascendance, it is known that Frey found his way in Erendoc. Whilst in Erendoc he found a companionship with some Gods that had found their way to Oxdara, and with them created a new order. An Ivory Order. It is unknown to the mortals whether the following tyranny and war in the name of the Ivory Order was their original intention, or misconstrued beliefs of their mortal followers.   The followers of the Ivory Order set a holy war, wherein they would subjugate the inhabitants of Erendoc's eastern continent, Estalan, and purge any mortal born or who learned magic that was not given by the divine.   Following the fall of the Ivory Order, Frey returned to the fold of Rularia's God's, tired of the mortals wars and wishing to earn their God-hood again, Frey return to Rularia. He no longer claimed to be God of the Sun, granting that title back to Tiamat, the one who raised him to divinity, and focused on aiding mortals in their fertility. Maybe as some retribution for the death his name was used to commit, or maybe as the Life Force of Oxdara balancing itself, many of the children born of his blessing were granted innate magic - not as strong as Mathi Mathonwry's blessings, and not always divine magic. Freys blessing would manifest with a deep connection to the Life Force of Oxdara, nature and life.   Many believe that most healers can trace their powers back to Freys blessing in their families past.

Divine Origins

In the years following the splitting of Rularia, the Tal who remained found themselves in broken land. Friends and neighbours now lived on islands an ocean away, and the temperate lands split apart, most becoming cooler. It was in this period of Rularian history, where no recorded history exists in writings, only oral tales that have grown into folk tales. One such tale, how most of Rularia's Gods came into existence.   Oxdara had originally only known three Gods, Bahamut, Tiamat and Kaltorius, the Primordial Dragons. When the Tal came, they brought with them the Old Gods, and in their defeat other Gods found their way to Oxdara. Most if not all of these Gods however had no real connection to the plane the Primordial Dragons had made. These Gods, Ilmater, Umberlee, The Silver Flame, and others had came to the plane from other planes of existence, settling and developing followers on Oxdara.   Either in response, or to offset these new Gods who began to exert dominion over their, Bahamut and Tiamat looked to the Tal descendants, mortals whose ancestors had fought against the Old Gods and survived, and chose some to ascend as Gods to watch over Oxdara and the Tal descendants more than these new Gods would - and also as warriors to fight the New Gods should they pose a threat to Bahamut or Tiamat, a story/prophecy/warning the Primordial Dragon's told to the Ascended Gods, the day of Ragnarok.   These ascended Gods are known by multiple names, like most Gods, however when the Ascended took their place in the celestial plains they shed their Hillara names, becoming known by new (yet similar) names:
  • Throh became Thor - God of Storms and Thunder
  • Arawain became Arawn - God of Life and Death
  • Briggantina became Brigantia - Goddess of Rivers and Livestock
  • Lugha became Lugh - God of Arts, Travel and Commerce
  • Mathi Mathonwry became Math Mathonwy - God of Magic
  • Oghmor became Oghma- God of Speech and Writing
  • Silveinus became Silvanus - God of Nature and Forests
  • Oden became Odin - God of Knowledge and War
  • Forsetilr became Forseti - God of Justice and War
  • Haeimdel became Heimdall - God of Watchfulness and Loyalty
  • Oddor became Odur - God of Light
  • Sefi became Sif - Goddess of War
  • Freyyir became Frey - God of Fertility
  • Morigana became Morrigan - Goddess of Battle
  • Freja became Freya - Goddess of Fertility and Love
  • Frig became Frigga - Goddess of Birth and Fertility
  • Tor became Tyr - God of Courage and Strategy
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Venkan-Ori Gods, Rularian Gods, Lesser Gods
Related Myths


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