BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



In the wake of the War against the Old Gods, when the Old Gods were killed, banished, or bound to hell, new Gods began to slowly find Oxdara. To begin the Primordial Dragons Bahamut and Tiamat watched these new Gods, assured that should they attempt to create war like the Old Gods, the two of them were strong enough to defeat them before it came to open war again. As new Gods arose and found their way to the plain, the Primordials foresaw that they would need to bolster their forces, and so rose the Gods of Rularia's Ascendant into divinity and told their leader, Odin - God of Knowledge and War, the Ragnarok prophecy.   If the day should ever come that the new Gods would seek to create war against the Primordials and mortal kind like the Old Gods, Ragnarok would come. Named for the end of all things, mortals and Dragons would once again have to ban together to stand any chance. Odin and the other ascended Gods would be the mortal leaders, given a form of divinity granted by the Primordials, and would lead the mortal armies against the Gods. Odin and his ascended were tasked with gathering the souls of as many proud warriors, healers, farmer and any other mortals, to fight alongside them, but also heal, produce food, forge weapons and armour and record the war for the surviors.   Badrik the White Storm would awaken from his slumber around the northern pole in the Biting North, and would be the Primordials first Weapon, adopting a new title, Jörmungandr the World Serpent, The War Beast, The White Dread. He alongside the ascended's first champion, Thor God of Thunder and Storms, would storm the Gods forces and be an overwhelming threat.   Rugheis the Champion would return from her mission with a great Draconic army, commanded by the most powerful Dragon on the plain. She would adopt the title of First Commander, leader of both Draconic and mortal forces, and overwhelm the Gods forces with might and strength.   Challos the First would continue they're job of gathering information, knowledge and magic, and use it to bolster the mortal and Draconic forces with magic long since lost. Adopting the title of Master of Secrets, The First Scholar, Master of Magic.   Yrranas the Lost would opperate as a double agent, retaining their cover as Savras, God of Divination and Fate. She would feed information to the Primordials and work to dismantle the Gods commands from within.   The end of the war would result in a great metamorphosis of the world, the two islands of Venka would collied together, resulting in countless deaths in the two empire and of the Venkan-Ori people. Erendoc would shatter, becoming a continent of many islands, and the Bazyak desert would be glassed, the sand dues sorched with radiant fire so hot it melts and turns to glass. Rularia would have new islands risen from the ocean surface, displacing sealevels and causing sweeping tsunamis. Udosix, the distant and forgotten continent would have its protective mist removed, and whilst would remain realitively untouched by geographical destruction, it would be the mortal and Draconic forces command point - the last safe haven for life.   From the ashes of this war hopefully mortals and Dragons can find life again. Or if they fail the histories of the people and primordials from before erased, the world left in the hands of the Gods to do with what they wish.


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