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Purpose / Function

One was built in the years just before the Draconic Resurgence, by a former adventurer as a place where people could go to experience a good time in Horan's Rise. Originally that was as a brothel, but over time has become a nightclub and tavern during the day. A place where people can get good food, good drinks, listen to good music and have a fun night out.


One is a three storey large building, with the main area being the ground floor, which has a large stage at one end, and a large dancefloor in the centre. Along the sides are stairs that lead up to a mezanie and second floor where there are tables and chairs, as well as a large bar lining the entire north wall. The third floor is accessed by a set of stairs built behind the bar wall, that originally lead to bedrooms, but now lead to offices and storage rooms.   On the exterior the building has a rectangular shape, with large doors that open up onto the dance floor, and can be left open with a large garden around the outside, that has leanout tents along the side of the building to open up the club for larger events/private hire.


One large door way on the southern wall, that acts as the main entryway, with smaller doors leading to backrooms and offices, as well as the underground storehouse for ale, mead and wines.


One brings in a lot of tourism for Horan's Rise, and have a deal with nearby inns to send travellers towards them and give them buisness, and those inns drop One's name to travellers who arrived not knowing about One.   Because it is such a large tourist attraction for Horan's Rise, the government and police force don't allow them any special allowances, but have certain leneancys like lower tax, provided they continue to use thier attraction to support the economy of the whole city.
Founding Date
21 BDR
Alternative Names
Club One
Parent Location


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Aug 30, 2024 23:03 by Evilyn Carnate

I didn't think a 'nightclub' concept could work in a fantasy setting, so always talked myself out of it, but you have proved me wrong! This place sounds awesome and would totally be somewhere that one of my own characters would die to perform at! I'd love to know more about the relationship One has with the local economy in terms of how they 'earn' their lower tax rates etc. - Is it their policy to purchase all of their alcohol from local brewers and to only recruit from within a certain distance for example? Can't wait to read more! :)