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Soriet Greencloaks



The Greencloaks is comprised of 11 master mages, from the many disciplines of Arcane and Influential magic. As of 283 Dr, these masters are:
  • Master of Abjuration - Farmin Quitedrop, Gnomish Sorcerer
  • Master of Conjuration - Tilas Kanto, Satyr Wizard
  • Master of Divination - Kelzes Rava, Triton Wizard
  • Master of Enchantment - Sirakos Merikas, Tiefling Wizard
  • Master of Evocation - Rolkyre Arix, Tiefling Sorcerer
  • Master of Illusion - Drop Creuli, Water Genasi Wizard
  • Master of Necromancy - Misti Whiteflame, Half Fire Genasi/Half Air Genasi Sorcerer
  • Master of Transmutation - Horork Great-Tusk, Half Orc/Half Goliath Wizard
  • Master of Hemomancy - Dillan Zehre, Human Wizard
  • Master of Graviturgy - Hrark Burgg, Bugbear Wizard
  • Master of Chronomancy - Endless Time, Tabaxi Wizard



Recruitment into the Greencloaks is a very selective path, and only happens when a member dies or retires. The Greencloaks must always have a master of:
  • Abjuration
  • Conjuration
  • Divination
  • Enchantment
  • Evocation
  • Illusion
  • Transmutation
After Soriet stepped down as Arch Wizard, the next Arch Wizard Percan Olliga, enacted new positions into the Greencloaks, upholding the same standards in his selection of master of:
  • Necromancy
  • Hemomancy
  • Graviturgy
  • Chronomancy
  • Shadomancy
The only Arcane or Influential magic that isn't represented in the Greencloaks is Technomancy, due to its infancy as a discipline.   New masters have to be well respected mages, with a graduation and degree from any of the major magical universities across Erendoc, Rularia and Venka. They have to have proven themselves as mages, creating new spells, magical artefacts or overcoming great challenges.


Three years following the Vaults being sealed off and slowly breaking down in Aetherland, the wizarding collective in Greengate, the Emerald Skies, began collecting and sealing away new magical artefacts deemed too powerful to exist in mortal hand. Greengate was chosen over the other wizarding collectives, the Aradiel School of Wizardry and Sorcery in Oasis and Beachholde, mainly due to Greengate being home to the Emerald Skies, and, unlike Oasis, it wasn't home to countless Dragons whose magic would only bolster and improve the power of the artefacts they wanted to safe guard from outside influence.   The Greencloaks were formed by Arch Wizard Soriet Hassilli, a tiefling wizard, and only the wizards in the Emerald Skies collective who were the most adept in their fields were chosen. Originally a wizard or sorcerer from each major arcane tradition was chosen, ane Evocation, Illusion, Divination, Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment and Transmutation; Necromancers were left out of this original selection due to Soriet having a well known dislike to the practice.   Each of these master spellcasters was inducted into the select elite group and tasked with warding, enchanting and protecting these new vaults housed under Greengate.

Historical loyalties

Historically the group has been loyal to the Emerald Skies, a loyality they still hold, and the whoever is the Arch Wizard at the time. During the Draconic Resurgence the Greencloaks, and Emerald Skies as a whole, were split in loyalitys. Most held true to the original idea of the Greencloaks, to protect and remove magical artefacts of great threat from mortal hands, though a group of mages since named the Scorn Ones, wanted to remove some of the lesser artefacts and use them as protection against the new Dragons around the world.   This group included Qig Moss-Shell, the Tortle Evocation master, and Encutash Shimmerscale, the Dragonborn Illusion master, and a small interal siege was held, the Scorn Ones taking over the Emerald Skies headquarters during a graduation event in Oasis, when most of the collective had left for the desert settlement to congradulate many new mages, leaving only the Greencloaks behind. The Scorn Ones were held back by the remaining Greencloaks until the rest of the Collective returned, and held fast in their protection of the artefacts for 5 straight days and nights, with little to no sleep.
Getta 180 BDR
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 3, 2024 22:38 by Marjorie Ariel

Love the internal conflict in this group.