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The Eternal Dragons


In the beginning years following the creation of Oxdara by the Primordial Dragons Bahamut, Tiamat and Kaltorius, the Primordials created the first Dragons to inhabbit their new world. First came Challos, ancestor to all Gemstone Dragons, breathed into life by Kaltorius themself. Next came Badrik, ancestor to all Chromatic Dragons, formed from an iceberg by Tiamat herself. And then came Yrranas and Rugheis, ancestors to all Metallic Dragons, molded into being from metal chunks byt Bahamut himself. These four would have vast and unforseen destinys, to go on and become eternal in life and memory, but in this moment, they were the first four in this world.   The Eternal Four, known later as the Eternal Dragons, would help guide the new Dragons hatching forth into this world, being stewards, caretakers, guardians and protectors.  

The Tal and War Against the Old Gods

  The Tal, an orphaned people, fleeing their own world and the destruction caused by the Primordial beings that inhabbited their world. To begin, the Dragons and Tal lived in harmory, believing they had successfully fled the Old Gods. The two people sharing stories, culture, and, most importantly, magic. The introduction of the Tal to Oxdara caused the Life Force, the river of all magic in Oxdara, to swell with new power. Power both people grew to master.   The Tal would teach the Dragons about their magic, what they called Arcenium, and the Dragons would teach the Tal their Draconic magic, mastery of the elements and primordial forces. And through this collaboration both people would grow thier cultures, found great cities and form bonds.   But, the introduction of the Tal brought with them the Old Gods. Beings whose entire nature is derived from mortal life. Bravery, Lust, Jealousy, War, Famine, Greed, Sloth - beings of essences rather than physical bodies. And the War Against the Old Gods began.   Kaltorius would embark on the Draconic Exodus, taking thousands of Dragons who wanted not to fight, who saw this war as the Tals to deal with, not theirs, and take them to a new sheltered and isolated pocket dimension. Where they could wait out for the war to be over, and the people and world ready for them to return.   The Eternal Dragons remained, along with thousands of other Dragons, Bahamut and Tiamat, to fight alongside the Tal and stand against the Old Gods.  

Missions from the Primordials

  Following the War against the Old Gods, Bahamut and Tiamat would ask yet more of their first creations. The pair forsaw new Gods arriving on the plane, less powerful than the Old Gods, but numbered in the dozens, and to prepare themselves for a war that might not come, the Eternal Dragons were given new missions. These missions would be later told to the Hillarian, the ancient Humans and descendants of the Tal, in the Ragnarok myth.   Badrik the White Storm was given the task of slumbering under the northen pole in the Biting North, where he would slumber for millenia, feeding off the natural flow of magic that pours out of the pole. Growing stronger and more powerful than any other Dragon, power to rival the Primordials themselves, and would be the Primordials first Weapon, and would adopt a new title, Jörmungandr the World Serpent, The War Beast, The White Dread.   Rugheis the Champion would undertake a similar yet alteranative task, and take a horde of Dragons to the southern continent of Udosix around the Southern Ice Plains, and grow powerful from the magic that poured from the southern pole, much like the north. However, Rugheis would dispense the magic and strength she obtained to chosen Dragons from the descendants of the group she took with her. Udosix was hidden away from the rest of the world, for the most part, and became a continent ruled and inhabbited by Dragons. She would return from her mission with a great Draconic army, with those she chosen as their commanders. She would adopt the title of First Commander, leader of both Draconic and mortal forces, and overwhelm the Gods forces with might and strength.   Challos the First would shelter themself away from the dangers and threats of the world, being the only Gemstone Dragon to inhabbit the plain until the Draconic Resurgence, and would continue their job of gathering information, knowledge and magic, and use it to bolster the mortal and Draconic forces with magic long since lost. Adopting the title of Master of Secrets, The First Scholar, Master of Magic.   And Yrranas the Lost would opperate as a double agent, taking posisiton among these new Gods as Savras, God of Divination and Fate. She would feed information to the Primordials and work to dismantle the Gods commands from within.    And so the four were split apart, each loyal to a fault to their creators, and the mission they were given. Yrranas and Rugheis would cross paths the most among the four, both opperating and growing in strength to the point of divinity, but for the most part would be removed from eachother. It is said that Badrik enjoyed the prospect of his mission the most, caring less and less for people outside his friends, and even now only speaks ancient Draconic, a language only the Eternal Dragons speak in modern times.
Founding Date
Unknown, sometime before the Tal arrived - atleast 260,000 BDR
Social, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
The Eternal Four
Notable Members
Related Species


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