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Unseelie Court


Like its twin court of the Seelie, the Unseelie Court is far looser than the material planes about nobility and classism. Instead of the typical working, middle and upper clasess, the various nobilities or pesantry asscociated with them, the Unseelie Court has many representative from different degrees of Fey, dictated by their level of sentience.   The highest level of the Unseelie Court is the Unseelie King, King Lori'll'ithr Redthorn - who acts as the leader of the court. Though unlike the Seelie Court where the Queen is considered an equal to other Arch-Fey, in the Unseelie the King is considered to be first amongst all. To give it a mortal perspective, the King is as close to divinity as the Fey Courts understand.   After the King are various Arch-Fey, and like their Seelie kin, the Arch-Fey would be classed as Gods by those on the material plane. Each of the Arch-Fey rule over a region of the Unseelie Court and act as the patron of groups of people. Some Arch-Fey create their own people to watch over, whereas others protect inhabitants of the plane, like Lord S'giith patron of Spiders and Scorpions.   The next level of Fey beings are the elemental Fey, Fey creatures with a great mastery over the elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Wind - they are also incahrge of protecting the portals to the Elemental planes within the Feywild. In the Unseelie Court, this level of Fey beings also includes Hag's, powerful spellcasters and practitioners who aren't yet powerful enough to be classed as an Arch-Fey.   Next are the Human Fey, different from Humanoid Fey, Human Fey are beings like Elves, Eladrin and Gnomes - most are Tal beings that have been influenced by the Feywilds magic, evolving into the other speices, however some Human Fey, like Fairies and Hobgoblins ahve no connection to the Tal.   After them are Humanoid Fey, beings like Nymphs, Sprites and Treents, they are often seen as what the material plane would call a working class, being hunters, warriors, guardians or protectors.   Next are Self Aware Creatures, plants and animals that have been awoken and granted sentience.   And last are normal animals and flora.   All beings in the Unseelie Court have a representative in the court, though in the case of normal animals and flora, the Self Aware Creatures speak on their behalf. And al beings fall under the protection and leadership of the four courts, the Court of Thorns, Court of Clouds, Court of Twilight and Court of Dreams.
Court, Royal
Alternative Names
Court of the Moon, Court of Thoughts, Court of the Hidden
Head of Government
  • The Court of Thorns - Capital of the Unseelie Court, one of the few major cities in the Fetwild, build in a deep ravine
  • The Court of Clouds
  • The Court of Twilight
  • The Court of Dreams
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species