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Dwarven Cooking

Everyone knows dwarves can't cook. Their food is bland, flavorless, boring. They don't even use salt, they have no sense of taste! Never have I tasted meat so overcooked and so dry. I could scarcely cut it up into something resembling a bite-sized portion!
— A Highly Offended Food Critic
  Dwarves are some of the most gracious hosts you shall ever encounter if you're lucky enough to be invited into their home. Even wandering dwarves hold fast to the tradition of making guests feel welcome. Your plate is always full, your cup never empty. The fire is warm and laughter abounds. Thus it is quite a shame that dwarves seem to be poor cooks unless they've spent much time among other races. Any dwarf will tell you that their feasts are the stuff of legend, but it could not possibly be so with how poor their cooking is. What is the truth of the matter? Well clearly it must be that dwarves have no taste, no one outside of them have had a good meal from one unless they've lived amongst other races. If you look a bit closer however, you may find that the truth is not quite so simple.   The dwarves love their food and with the highest tolerance to poison know to intelligent kind they love their food to be flavorful using spices the rest of the world can only dream of. Cinnabar is spicy, ground up amethyst is refreshing. They love making desserts with nutmeg and whole stone fruits. Destroying angel mushrooms also make a nice garnish on desserts with their sweetness. Death caps are often used as a meat substitute with their meaty flavor and texture.   A consequence to dwarven cooking being so flavorful and using ingredients that most couldn't dare to dream of is that they often forget who can handle what. When hosting others they leave out a lot of spices resulting in a belief that dwarven cooking is horribly bland. The reality is indeed that dwarves are quite gracious hosts.


Author's Notes

Credit to littlepinkbeast on Tumblr for inspiring this idea.

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