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Tunnelers are a massive reptile used by the magma dwarves as a steed for Guardians guarding The Basalt Citadel. These massive creatures are raised from eggs by Guardian recruits and are bred to have an extremely protective temperament and are taught early on who they look after and to listen to their partner without hesitation. Tunnelers bond to their person for life if raised correctly and their understanding of each other is unmatched, often moving in fluid harmony without a word said between them. That said, not every tunneler is suitable to be a Guardian mount and in these cases recruits must join the mines alongside their tunneler. Tunnelers make excellent mining companions and they're too valuable to kill over something as trivial as being suited to being a mount. With a wide, flat, and armored head and powerful claws, tunnelers are uniquely suited to excavation and many major mines were carved out by a tunneler.   Wild tunnelers are much more dangerous than their domesticated brethern. While domesticated tunnelers are rarely provoked into aggression without permission from their partners, wild tunnelers are very aggressive and territorial. It is said that Grüghil Magmabane tamed the first domesticated tunnelers to help his people but this is widely considered to be a legend with the truth of the tunnelers domestication lost to history.

Basic Information


Tunnelers are six-legged reptilian beasts that stand 3ft (1m) tall at the shoulder and if not for their size, extra set of legs, and armored skin they could resemble a common newt. They are 40ft (12.2m) long and weigh in at 18,000 lbs (8,165kg), tunnelers have durable scales covering most of them and tough armored plates covering the top of them and on their forelegs to protect them while tunneling and while in battle.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tunnelers eat slag and soft rocks that dwarves happen to find disposable. They typically eat a lot at once, storing fat in their tails for later meaning they can go periods of time without food. If a tunneler feels it has sufficient access to food it typically eats about 500lbs (227kg) every two weeks.
60 years
Average Height
3ft/1m at the shoulder
Average Weight
Average Length


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