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Relationships of the Coven's Families

The is made up of nine witch families, and as such there's plenty of drama to be had within and without! Most of Honeyshore's residents know about the animosity between the family and the family, but what about the others?Honeyshore CovenThorneheartBloodswell


The First Family is on good terms with nearly all families of the coven with the well-known exception of their animosity towards the Bloodswell family. This conflict goes back nearly one hundred years and began when Scarlet Thorneheart accused Helga Bloodswell of poisoning her mother Willow Monroe and Helga's subsequent proof of her innocence. Ever since, the two families have been unable to mend their differences as the Thornehearts refused to look into the incident further and the Bloodswell family refused to take no for an answer. Despite the conflict, the families got along well enough to work together and the Bloodswell family respected the Thornehearts' authority. The conflict came to a head during the time of Sapphire Thorneheart and Victoria Bloodswell with Victoria's attempt to illicitly conduct the investigation herself via underhanded means, and the conflict was resolved when Rosalind Sachiko Bloodswell agreed to aid Frigga Thorneheart in year 157.

The Second Family is on neutral terms with the majority of the coven's family, with notable exceptions being the Thornehearts, and as a consequence the Blackwoods and the Crestfalls, two of the First Family's biggest allies.

The history keepers are not on bad terms with any family in particular as they tend not to contribute to the coven's activities, opting instead to observe and record it.

This is another family that is not on bad terms with any one family in particular despite its close family ties to the Thornehearts. Cromwells tend to strive for peaceful relationships and are easy to get along with as their religion is one of curteousness and tidiness.

The Blackwood family has conflicts with two families. The turbulent relationship with the Bloodswell family began as natural fallout from the Thorneheart-Bloodswell bad blood, but since then there have been small skirmishes stemming from the Blackwood family's tendancy to call out scheming from Bloodswell family members more publicly than need be. Their other conflicting family is the Honeywood family, and it stems from the Honeywood family's laissez-faire approach to coven affairs. The Blackwood family believes in action, and therefore the opposite worldviews create friction. The family has mostly good relationships with every other family.


The Downspire family has mostly neutral relationships with most other families and a close-knit relationship with the Honeywood family in particular. The two work together regularly as the Downspire's inventions and magical items aid the Honeywood family's farms and distribution. The Downspires also have a relatively new good relationship with the Bloodswell family as Jun Bloodswell worked with magical artifacts and consulted the family often.

This family has mostly neutral ties with the families of other covens (with the Blackwood's exception). Most families have financial ties to this family through the Honeywood Farms and the other businesses members of the family own throughout the city. While they prefer to remain as neutral as possible, there are times that a member of the family will take a stand in the face of important historical events. They generally favour the status quo and keep to themselves more often than not.

The Crestfall family's most notable relationship is their close association with the Cromwell family. The two families have been tight-knit for several generations ever since the Cromwell family's conversion to the Oracle of the Golden Light. Historically, the Crestfall family is a loud group and will avidly stand up for their sense of justice, which has given them a reputation for being a judgemental and critical family. Their friendship with the Cromwell family generally helps to temper this tendanies.

Another family with no real animosity towards others, the Morgansons tend to keep to themselves. Their primary exception to this rule is the Blackwoods and Cromwells, who they tend to work closely with on a regular basis due to their overlapping magical interests. This family is a distant cousin to the Blackwood family, though it's as far back as the founding of Honeyshore so the family tie is weak and not worth drawing on.

As the benefactors of the Honeyshore Coven, the Magnus-Monroe family is on good terms with almost every family. The only exceptions to this rule are the Crestfall family and the Bloodswell family. Their animosity with the Bloodswell family stems from the family's reputation and from the Magnus-Monroe's close relationship with the Thorneheart family. However, due to the coming together of Marcus Magnus-Monroe  and Rosalind Sachiko Bloodswell, the animosity has come to a close and the two families seem to be on good terms going forward. Their neutral relationship with the Crestfall family comes from a distates for their tendancy to judge and antagonize. The Magnus-Monroes believe in keeping peace whenever possible as well as second chances, so the Crestfall family's tendancy towards zeal chafes the relationship somewhat.
Another notable relationship of the Magnus-Monroe's is their intimate friendship with the Thornehearts. While the blood ties between the two families is weak, the friendship between them is stronger than ever and members of the two families tend to see each other as cousins or siblings. This was the reason the betrothal of Frigga Thorneheart  and Marcus Magnus-Monroe was so widely anticipated.

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