
"They might smell better than the Terror most of the time, but if you've ever been near a Borer during mating season you will know that they can be more pungent than even the worst Terror.   Personally, I have never felt the need to spray myself with urine to attract a partner. I've never had any problems in that area.   I've been told this is one of those "each to their own" situations, and that's fine as long as they keep their bodily fluids and their smell to themselves."  
— Extract from Reuniting With An Old Friend: Travels Through The Primary Territories
by Peacekeeper V'Kly

Hardy Folk

  The Borer mostly live in the mountainous areas of Tribor, and many, especially the man, spend long days, weeks and even months out in the elements by themselves. As such they are adapted to dealing with all types of inclement weather and believe that they can power through more or less anything. They have a "this will pass" mentality which extends to all areas of their life.

Rumbles, Whistles, Coughs and Burps

Borer is the closest approximation of the rumbling cough which in their own language translates as 'Those With Hair', their name for their people.   While most have adapted to speaking Pache, their natural language, Bror, sounds a lot like a series of rumbles, whistles, coughs and burps. They also use body language to convey certain information, and the way in which they move or hold themselves is often combined with the noises they are making to add or alter the meaning being communicated.   As the Peacekeepers struggle with reproducing this language, they have encouraged the Borer to speak Pache instead.

Basic Information


The Borer are large mammals with muscular bearing. They have four legs, a torso and a head, and have the ability to walk on their hind legs. Their feet on their hind legs are hooved, while the feet on their forelegs have evolved to be more adaptable. They are each split into three independent digits which have a hard keratin-based plate on the base and tough skin on top. These digits are flexible and can be sharpened into claws.   They are covered from head to toe in a thick long coat, colours varying from a deep rich brown, through lighter hues all the way to a soft blond. To protect themselves from the elements, they are able to produce an oily substance that lubricates their skin. This acts as a natural raincoat in storms and poor weather.   They have two large black horns which protrude from the top of their heads. They curve out and away from the head with sharp points. These horns date from a more barbaric time but are now used mostly for status and decorative purposes.

Genetics and Reproduction

When a Borer begins looking for a mate, they spray themselves with their own urine to excite potential sexual partners.   Pregnancy lasts 200 days, and once born they live with their parents until another child is born, at which point they are expected to find their own home. The Borer tend to not move far from home, with settlements often consisting mainly of women and children. During the summer months, the settlements are fully occupied, however, in winter months, when the food supply is drastically reduced they divide into smaller collections of 10-30 members.   The men are solitary creatures, and tend to return to settlements only when their presence will benefit the community, usually for one of the following reasons:  
  • To bring news of a new food source
  • To bring a resource to the settlement
  • To meet a mate
  • To help train the children

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

In the time since joining The Alliance, the Borer's naming convention has changed slightly. As a result, there are two groups of names, some choosing from the Karro Barr* style, while others take a more modern approach to naming.  

Karro Barr Naming

In the Karro Barr style, the important part is the identity of the mother.  

Naming Format


Individual Name

  Usually after traits or weather or nature, in the Bror language.   e.g. Brarra, Krargha, Grragn, Farrerr  

Maternal Name

  The maternal name has two parts, the first indicates the family line and the second is the mother's individual name. The family line comes from the original location of the family.   Family Line e.g. Naed, Gnib, Ahtrae, Adnerb  


  Gnibbrarra Farrerr  

Modern Naming

In modern naming, there is a preference for the Pache language.  

Naming Format


Individual Name

  Again, individuals are named after traits, weather or nature.   e.g. Storm, Strong, Hopeful, Cliffs  

Family Name

  In the modern style, the family name is more descriptive and goes some way to explaining a location, rather than using the Bror name for it.   e.g. By The Southern Cliffs, On The Western Peak, Beneath The Eagles Nest, Between The River And The Sea  


  Storm Of Hopeful By The Southern Cliffs  
  Both of these types of naming have their own advantages and disadvantages. While the Karro Barr style is shorter, it tends to be used more by those who have no interest in leaving the planet or outsiders. The modern style is more useful to those who wish to communicate with those who don't speak Bror but can be quite a mouthful.

Major Organizations

The largest organisation for the Borer is Tribor Command which represents them on Primary Territories Command which represents the solar system within Peacekeeper Command.   Outside of that, there are several organisations set up to ensure that the Borer traditions are upheld. They are situated in different parts of the planet and are dedicated to making sure that those elements which are specific to that region are passed on from generation to generation. Two examples of the largest of these organisations are The Borer Trust and Heritage Nation. Both have similar goals, but while The Borer Trust's emphasis is more on the exclusion of external influences, Heritage Nation's focus is more on the preservation of tradition. Neither is aggressive, and to date, conflict has not arisen either between the two groups or between them and the Peacekeepers.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty is in the eye of the Borer, and while people might connect over shared interests and compatible personalities. However, physically, there are two elements which generally are valued above others.  

Luscious Locks

The colour of the hair isn't the question, although undoubtedly different shades come in and out of fashion. What's important is the amount of hair and how glossy and well-kept it is.

Hardened Horns

Horns can be short or long, but the beauty of the horns is found in how well-looked after they are. Some Borer are known to wax their horns, to ensure that they keep their shine, while the more flamboyant might decorate them to make them stand out.


A Borer's diet may vary from vegan to exclusively living on leaves and grass. Those who are more isolated are unable to process the grains, fats and starchy carbohydrates which are more commonly found in towns and cities, having been introduced by the Peacekeepers and other peoples from across the Peacekeeper Territories.

Gender Ideals

Generally speaking, the Borer are a maternal people, holding on to the mother's family line and their mother's name. This is because, for a large part of their lives, the fathers are likely absent. Women are seen as the glue of the community, while men are individual contributors.

Average Technological Level

Prior to their initiation into The Alliance, during the Karro Barr*, the Borer were not a technologically advanced people, more concerned with their own personal goals than working together to build something. It is not that they were lacking in the intelligence to advance, simply the need or desire to do so.   Since then, technology has been introduced by the Peacekeepers but has not all been quickly adopted. There are some things which have taken off more than others, particularly those related to predicting weather. That being said, the Borer are considered one of the least technologically comfortable of the people within the Peacekeeper Territories.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The language of the Borer is Bror and consists mainly of rumbles, grunts and whistles made in the throat. There are different accents and dialects in different parts of Tribor, as well as variations in vocabularies and colloquialisms, but on the whole, anyone who speaks Bror is able to communicate with any other.   Most Borer are also educated in Pache in order to allow them to work with the intergalactic community.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

There are a lot of traditions which are carefully upheld by the Borer. As with many traditions, there are variations within them both on-planet and off-planet.  

Meeting Day

  The Meeting Day occurs once every season, three times a year. The aim of Meeting Day is to allow men to spend time in a settlement, meet with potential mates, spend time with their children, or just have some company for a day.   It starts with a few games, usually demonstrations of strength by the men, followed by bathing or spraying. Those who are open to a partner spray themselves with urine, while those who aren't wash to make their position clear. The afternoon is spent entertaining the children, often with stories or songs. Then day ends with a feast, prepared by the men, with assistance from any young men in the settlement who are preparing to leave.  
  In some areas, the men are expected to bring presents for those in the settlement.   Off-planet, these days tend to be recognised, but not necessarily celebrated. This may include a shared meal but nothing more.  

Coming Of Age - Masculine

  Coming of Age isn't always a celebration for Borer men, and can be quite a sad occasion. This is the time when they are old enough to leave their settlement and set out on their own.   The occasion is marked by a final meal with the family, then the remaining children and the mother help the man who is leaving to clear out his home and pack what he needs to travel with. He may be given letters or momentoes from his family, and, traditionally, he would leave something of his with each member of his family.
  There is no set age, it depends on the individual, and there are some who never fully leave, but keep up a place near their mother's house.   In some areas it is traditional for the mother to put a ring around the horns of the person leaving, to mark them as forever part of her line.

Coming Of Age - Feminine

  For the women of the Borer, coming of age is a marker that they are ready to start a family of their own.   Once the woman makes this decision, she chooses a location and starts to build her own house. This can take anything from a month to a year or two and is her responsibility alone. When the house is built, the final step is it being blessed by the woman's mother. This is done by adding a small something to each room in the house, whether this is a trinket, a utensil or a tool, or even decorating an entire wall. The woman then cooks a meal for her mother and the rest of her family, to show that she can provide for a group of people and is ready to look after her own family.
  In the South, the mother paints a mural on each wall, which is added to by the woman as her family begins and grows.


  In an ancient Borer culture, the Sun is thought of as the Mother, and the Moon as the Father. Those beliefs culminated in a solstice celebration known as the Sunshower on the longest day of the year. While the beliefs have fallen by the wayside, the celebrations are still recognised by small groups of people living around Gragna, Mountains of the People Who Climb.   These celebrations take the form of singing, fasting and for some reason hair braiding. The reason for these particular rituals has been lost, but are enjoyed by some simply because they are tradition.
  There are disagreements about which songs should be sung, and the methods of hair braiding which are most "traditional".

Family Units

  In all of these traditions, there is an emphasis on the family unit and familial relationships. It is worth noting that these relationships are not necessarily bound by blood. There are women out there who choose not to be mothers or to mother their own children. There are also men who choose to stay at home and women who choose to leave and travel. These men and women tend to take on the traditionally masculine or feminine roles relevant to their chosen life.


Pre 704 PT
Prakanrra Karro Barr* Era
704 PT
Peacekeepers landed on Tribor
1169 - 1203 PT
Peacekeepers negotiated with Borer
1203 PT
Borer signed the Peace Treaty
1403 PT
Borer officially initiated into The Alliance
1410 PT
Primary Territories founded
  The Borer have always been something of a detached people, preferring to live in small groups and communities rather than integrate further. They have an independent mindset and don't involve themselves in other people's affairs.   To the Borer, the time up to this point is known as the Prakanrra Karro Barr*, which translates roughly to "the time before we joined", but is most commonly referred to as just the Karro Barr, "before we joined".   The Peacekeepers first landed on Tribor in 704 PT. It took a little while for them to actually encounter the Borer, and originally had the planet categorised as uninhabited. Their first encounter came several years later when they finally ventured into the mountains.   Their initial meeting was curious but ultimately uneventful, culminating in both sides leaving feeling as though they'd helped the other, and to a certain extent pitying the other.   The period of their negotiation with the Peacekeepers was shorter than most, only lasting 34 years. The negotiations were simple, primarily because the Peacekeeper's focus was on minerals found on the seabeds and the Borer were happy to stick to the mountains.   In 1410 PT, when The Primary Territories were founded, the Borer had been fully initiated and were able to apply to join the Peacekeeper Academy and other Peacekeeper institutions. Despite that, there have only been a few hundred in the last three millennia who have graduated from any of them.

* These are the best approximation in a Peacekeeper-friendly text of the pronounciation in the Bror language.

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Primary Territories Command
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, The Primary Territories, Tribor
150 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their coats are most commonly a dark brown, but can come in lighter shades of brown or blond.


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Jan 27, 2024 13:34 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them, and I love how detailed their culture is. It's interesting to see how things have changed between pre- and post-Peacekeeper.   Really great job with this article. :)

Jan 28, 2024 09:42 by Elspeth

Thank you! Yeah, the Peacekeepers have a massive impact on societies, whether the society notices to begin with or not! Thank you so much for reading and your feedback! :)

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