
"The mountains of Tribor are undoubtedly beautiful and plentiful. They rise up above the barren plains, like kings, grey and majestic, their white-capped tips piercing through the yellowing clouds. They are steep and, rocky full of jagged edges and somewhat stand-off-ish locals who smell of urine.   So perhaps they are better appreciated from afar. I like looking at them from a good distance, ideally several miles, from one of the blue sand beaches, next to the deep green oceans, with a fruity joybev in my hand..."  
— Extract from Reuniting With An Old Friend: Travels Through The Primary Territories
by Peacekeeper V'Kly
  Tribor is home to the Borer, who live in the mountainous regions of the planet. They became part of the Peacekeeper Alliance in 1203 PT and are represented within The Alliance by Primary Territories Command.   The Borer are hardy people who are known for their ability to weather any storm and their "this will pass" mentality.


Tribor is the Pachian approximation of the Borer's name for the planet in their own language, Bror. It is a combination of two words, the first meaning "welcoming place" or "safe space", and the second meaning "people of hair" or "those who value themselves". In the original language, it is a grumbling moan in the back of the throat.   Being part of the Primary Territories, Tribor kept its own name when it joined The Alliance, unlike planets in the systems which came later.


Tribor sits well within the Peacekeeper Territories and has done for several thousand years. It is both the largest planet in The Primary Territories system, and the furthest habitable planet from the star, named Prime. Despite this, areas of it still experience a temperate climate and highs of around 30°C (86°F) along the equator.   The planet's surface is 68% water and 32% land, the latter of which is broken up into three major land masses with several large islands as well.   During the initial investigation of the planet, the Peacekeepers discovered various compounds and minerals naturally occurring on the seabed which were of value to The Alliance. These minerals are regularly harvested and delivered to nearby Storage and Factory Planets for use in several different technologies.  

Notable Areas

There are lots of interesting places on Tribor, but here are a select few. The first three are areas which were and potentially still are used by the Borer, and the final one is used mostly by Peacekeepers and other off-worlder species.    

Gragna, Mountains of the People Who Climb

  The Gragna Mountains, known in Bror as The Mountains of the People Who Climb, are so called because they are said to be the origin of the Hoof and Hook climbing technique. This technique revolutionised climbing, particularly on ice and glaciers, and literally allowed the Borer to reach new heights.   They are also the site of a solstice celebration, the Sunshower. This isn't widely recognised, but those who do, feast in celebration of the 'Mother Sun' reaching her peak. (See Borer page for more information)   On the South East side of the mountains, there are shelters which act as protection from the elements for male Borer who are travelling through.
They are not popular because the sounds of wildlife echo through them, giving them a somewhat haunted feel.   The mountains are also home to the Road of the Last Thaw, which winds through the mountains but is completely unusable for 2 - 3 months a year due to sitting in the middle of an avalanche zone.

Hurgn, Foothills of the Melted Water

  The Hurgn Foothills, sit on the southernmost landmass on Tribor, and are known as Foothills of the Melted Water by the Borer. They are technically a mountain range which backs up onto several larger glaciers but, to the untrained eye, they do look like foothills.   In the middle of them is the Lake of Drifts, a large body of water which is 7 miles long and is full of icebergs and ice drifts. In the winter, the lake sees no sunlight, due to its position on the planet. However, in the summer months, when the sun doesn't set, the lake is the centre of a cleansing bathing ceremony among some of the Borer.  
On the North edge of the Foothills, a recent avalanche uncovered a copse of trees, which Borer have started visiting. It is already known for interesting echoes that seem to come from nowhere, without prompting.

Gnarh, Tundra that Wraps The Land

  The Tundra that Wraps The Land takes up 73% of the largest landmass on Tribor, thus the Borer's name for it. It is home to many of the strange creatures which live on Tribor that the Borer try to avoid. This is why the area is not settled by any sapient beings.   Running through the middle of it is the River That Shivers, which was shaped by intense glacial activity. The thermal vents in the area heat parts of the river and also burst from the ground at random intervals, giving the area a reputation for being unnatural and uncanny. There is a species of amphibian which calls these vents home, and are considered cursed by the Borer.

BlueSands Bay

  BlueSands Bay is the name for the largest tourist resort on Tribor. It was established by the Peacekeepers shortly after the end of the Borer's Initiation into The Alliance in the early 1400s.   It is known for its blue sand beaches, the deep green ocean, and the variety of relaxing activities which are available. Holidays are not common within Peacekeeper culture, so when they take them, they go big.   BlueSands Bay prides itself on offering the best in Peacekeeper relaxation. It is also the birthplace of the Glanglan Blush, a fruity psychedelic drink which has since become popular across the territories.

Related Articles

Cultures Borer, Peacekeeper
Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Primary Territories Command
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, The Primary Territories
Location under
Inhabiting Species


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Jan 23, 2024 13:36 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

So rude about the Borer.   I love that you have an overview of several key areas on the planet, as well as a little taste of the inhabiting species.

Jan 23, 2024 13:38 by Elspeth

I love the Borer! Their article is coming next. V'Kly doesn't really like anyone who isn't Pachain.   Thank you! And thank you for reading. <3

So many worlds to choose from...
Jan 24, 2024 22:55 by Henry Rait

How did you go about structuring the areas of interest like that? They look so nice!

Jan 25, 2024 07:46 by Elspeth

Thank you! I did it using containers and CSS. There's an article here: that's really useful, It's one container for the title, one for the content with a row and two columns in the second container. Hope that helps! :D

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