How To Initiate A Planet Into The Alliance; An Overview

Taken from Your Word Is Not Enough; Building A Sustainable and Useful Treaty by Peacekeeper M'Plisk

Chapter 58: How To Initiate A Planet Into The Alliance


An Overview

  Initiating a planet into The Alliance is clearly a crucial phase, and is as important as any other in the Diplomacy process. The desired aim is to smoothly and seamlessly transition a planet from an autonomous entity into a competent, reliable and productive part of the Peacekeeper Alliance. When this is done correctly, it makes everyone's jobs easier and sets the planet up for success, and ultimately avoids violence or unrest. Data shows that planets which experience a peaceful initiation period are 73.82% more likely to provide at least three times the value to The Alliance, compared to planets which have a more antagonistic start.   The process of initiating a planet is extremely complex, which is part of the reason for the extended timeframe. The process is deliberately drawn out and needs to be thoroughly understood by anyone wishing to carry it out. It has been decided upon based on a combination of testing, experience and expertise. This process applies to all planets approached by members of Peacekeeer Diplomacy and officially starts the day on which the treaty is signed.   This chapter details the history of initiations, a deep dive into the process, and examples of both success stories and failures including first-hand accounts of these experiences. It will focus on the areas outlined below:  
1. Understand The Treaty
  • Read, read and read again
  • Discuss intention with the relevant emissaries
  • Identify areas of opportunity
  • Identify potential areas of contention
  • Discuss with planet-side representatives to glean their understanding
  • Start building out initial timeframes
2. Identify And Tackling Challenges
  • What are the planet-side representatives not aware of?
  • What misunderstandings are there around the treaty?
  • What positive required outcomes conflict with the current state of the planet?
  • Who is likely to cause the most challenges?
  • Separating and isolating troublemakers
  • Overcoming physical barriers
  • Making the planet-side representatives tackle challenges for you
  • Making the most of the 200 year timeline
3. Using Religions And Beliefs
  • When to seem as if you are for a religion
  • How to subvert a religious message
  • Making fanaticism work for you
4. Respectfully Discouraging Behaviours
  • How to use constructive condescension
  • Don't directly disrespect traditions
  • Highlighting positive role models
  • Exemplifying and rewarding good behaviour
  • Starting with the education system
5. Identify Useful Influencers
  • Who is it that people listen to?
  • Who are the influential people who are sympathetic to the cause?
  • Who are the influential people who can be influenced to support the cause?
6. Controlling The Message
  • Making sure everyone is using the same script
  • Getting people to be your mouthpiece
  • Ensuring the planet-side influencers are talking louder
  • Start simple, and build on that
7. Monitoring Communications
  • Making changes for the "safety" of the planet
  • Covering more than you disclose
  • What to listen out for
8. Changing Laws
  • Identify the biggest problem areas
  • Start with apparently minor changes and grow
  • Misdirection, scandal and "safety measures"
  • Using conflict to take control
9. Spotting A Threat
  • Words and phrases to watch out for
  • Behaviours which lead to violence
  • Using the planet-side law enforcement
  • Preventing group gatherings
  • Inflitrating insurgent groups
10. Bribing, Threatening And Other Last Resorts
  • Why these are a last resort and when to use them
  • Identifying someone susceptible to bribes
  • When and when not to blackmail
  • Framing people who will not compromise
  • Top threatening techniques
  • When to call in the armed support


The entire book was created as a training manual for those entering a career within Peacekeeper Diplomacy and covers a wide range of topics that are essential for anyone working in this arena.   This chapter targets specifically those who are entering the Relations team, who are tasked with integrating a planet into the Peacekeeper Alliance with little to no violence or conflict. The purpose is to educate and lay out meaningful instructions which can be followed in order to have a successful initiation.  

Publication Status

The information is published and provided by Peacekeeper Command and is only made available to those working within the Diplomacy branch. The information is available in audio, textual, video, holographic and data-ingestion formats.

Historical Details


This book was compiled and published during the second half of the Triumph Initiation, the most recent initiation, and uses information gathered from this event, as well as primary and secondary data sourced through The Alliance.   It was created solely for use by the Peacekeeper, to allow them to easily extend their influence over other planets and systems.

Public Reaction

Since its creation in 4415 PT, the book has been shared with and read by every employee of Peacekeeper Diplomacy.   Upon publication, this specific chapter was considered an excellent guide by those undertaking the Triumph initiation. and some of the techniques outlined were implemented by those emissaries on-planet.

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Diplomacy
Locations Peacekeeper Territories
Culture Peacekeeper, Pachian
Documents Peace Treaty Template, Peace Treaty Process, Identifying Acceptable Potential Planets; An Introduction
Guide, How-to
Digital Recording, Various
Authoring Date
4415 PT


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Jan 28, 2024 20:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is so sinister and also so interesting. The fact they can do it so slowly and so underhandedly. Yikes.

Jan 28, 2024 21:07 by Elspeth

Thank you so much! Sinister is exactly the word! With a friendly unassuming smile.

So many worlds to choose from...
Feb 2, 2024 23:04 by Ephraïm Boateng

Oh my, this is quite sinister! Classic vilain activities: Put up a friendly smile, get them to trust you and open up, take control. oof

Feb 3, 2024 21:40 by Elspeth

Thank you! Yes, definitely classic villains! :) Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

So many worlds to choose from...