Identifying Acceptable Potential Planets; An Introduction

Taken from Your Word Is Not Enough; Building A Sustainable and Useful Treaty by Peacekeeper M'Plisk

Chapter 7: Identifying Acceptable Potential Planets


An Introduction

Ensuring the selection of a viable planet is paramount, as is categorising it accordingly. We will dig further into the categorisation in later chapters. First, we need to fully understand and appreciate how important the selection process is.  

Why Selection Matters

There are two sides to the selection process which should always be considered, in order to appreciate from a holistic perspective the impact of it on The Alliance. The easiest way to investigate this is with the following thought experiment.  
Imagine you present a planet as a viable candidate for integration into The Alliance. Ask yourself what happens if it is a…  
Good Candidate
  A lot of time and effort is put into bringing it into The Alliance. No matter how good a candidate, there is always the possibility of violence and loss of life, but ultimately it will bring value to The Alliance and those who are part of it, and glory to those who are part of the identification, treaty and initiation process.
Bad Candidate
  A lot of time and effort is put into bringing it into The Alliance. Efforts that could be better spent on moving us forward as a people are wasted, and those who were part of the identification process are ridiculed and no longer have a job or the potential for one in the future, and this is the best-case scenario.
  We will look into these reasons in more detail further into this chapter. It is also worth referring back to Chapter 6 where we have already covered what we mean by Value to The Alliance and what is achievable in terms of Glory.  

Basics To The Identification Process

There are several different areas that are prioritised when it comes to assessing potential candidates. These are:  
What resources are available on the planet? Listing these out is the first step. This list will obviously need to be assessed by Efficiency. It's also important to stay open to new opportunities and document everything. New compounds and materials can lead to great advancements for The Alliance, and should therefore be diligently recorded.  
This is both more and less than breathable air. We have the ability to create breathable spaces if necessary. Other considerations are things like manageable gravity, water and evidence of other life. Ideally, a potential planet has all of these but it needs at least a few in order to be labelled as potentially habitable.  
Existing Sapients
If there are existing sapient species, a thorough analysis of them is required, including their relevant usefulness. This usefulness could include the ability to provide information about the planet, a specific skill set, interesting or unusual technologies, or a solid work ethic. Keep an eye out for those who are unlikely to be welcoming to The Alliance, or even potentially hostile or dangerous. This doesn't rule them out but will weigh against them.  
Geographic Area
The final category is the geographic area, which is vital for understanding whether a planet could be useful. A level of stability is required for a planet to be built on, as is good access to solar energy or a similar energy source. This is crucial to create the infrastructure required to extract resources, liaise with sapients, construct factories, or manage warehouses.  


We have created a formula for scoring a planet on its potential usefulness, to ensure that The Alliance puts its effort in the correct places. This formula has been carefully constructed based on millennia of experience and is designed to be objective...


The entire book was created as a training manual for those entering a career within Peacekeeper Diplomacy and covers a wide range of topics that are essential for anyone working in this arena.   This chapter specifically discusses how The Alliance requires a planet is assessed as a potential new planet to join the Peacekeeper Alliance and become part of the Peacekeeper Territories. This is used as an essential reference for those Emissaries who are looking to decide whether or not to approach a planet and present it for consideration.  

Publication Status

The information is published and provided by Peacekeeper Command and is only made available to those working within the Diplomacy branch. The information is available in audio, textual, video, holographic and data-ingestion formats.

Historical Details


This book was compiled and published during the second half of the Triumph Initiation, the most recent initiation, and uses information gathered from this event, as well as primary and secondary data sourced through The Alliance.   It was created solely for use by the Peacekeeper, to allow them to easily extend their influence over other planets and systems.

Public Reaction

Since its creation in 4415 PT, the book has been shared with and read by every employee of Peacekeeper Diplomacy.   This chapter has been used by many to assess planets outside of the Peacekeeper Territories, from a remote location. Vellikka is the first to meet the required criteria.

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Diplomacy
Locations Peacekeeper Territories
Culture Peacekeeper, Pachian
Documents Peace Treaty Template, Peace Treaty Process, How To Initiate A Planet Into The Alliance; An Overview
Guide, How-to
Digital Recording, Various
Authoring Date
4415 PT


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Jan 27, 2024 21:59 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really don't trust the Peacekeepers, and this adds to that. It's kind of like they are talking about acquiring... a building? A rock?   Really great article.

Jan 28, 2024 09:52 by Elspeth

It's smart not to trust the Peacekeepers, and I'm so glad that's coming across. Thank you for reading and commenting! I always appreciate your feedback. <3

So many worlds to choose from...