P'Ache Prime Media Truthseeker

"Being a Truthseeker is a noble profession, because it is with Truth and Transparency that The Alliance is held together. But being a Truthseeker for P'Ache Prime Media Outlet is noble, powerful and admirable.   Yes, a PPMO Truthseeker's name is more likely to be known than most, but it is for a reason. The lengths they go to in the name of the Truth is what sets them apart from the rest."  
— Extract from A Brief and Glorious Introduction to The Alliance
by Peacekeeper M'Plisk  



All PPMO Truthseekers have spent at least four years at the Peacekeeper Academy, although this is not an official requirement of the profession. To be a Truthseeker, it is more important that they have a demonstrable dedication to both Peacekeeper Alliance and to uncovering the Truth. Although their allegiance to The Alliance should always be the higher of the two.

Career Progression

There are several different positions within the Truthseeker profession, and people are able to move positions depending on their skill set. Just because someone is an Editor, it doesn't make them further along in their career than a Correspondent, or vice versa. However, in order to be a Senior Editor or a member of The Leadership, there are varying levels of experience required.  


While there may not necessarily be a clear progression path, that doesn't mean there isn't a level of hierarchy within the Truthseekers. Or rather, there's a level of accountability which everyone is held to.   Correspondents, who are gathering information and constructing inital stories, report into Editors. Editors are accountable for the stories and also the directions the Correspondents take. These Editors report into the Senior Editors, each of whom is accountable for a specific area or theme. These Senior Editors then report into The Leadership, who are accountable over all for the output of the PPMO.

Other Benefits

There are five main benefits to being a Truthseeker, and each Truthseeker has their own priority order, but this is the most common:
  1. Access
  2. Power and influence
  3. Reputation
  4. Travel


As a Truthseeker, they will have access to people, places and information that simply aren't available to the average person. This even extends to elements of the Three Pillars within the Peacekeeper Alliance.

Power and Influence

A person is known across The Territories for telling the Truth can be a powerful enemy, and an even more powerful ally. Within The Alliance this is a recognised fact, and one which has definite advantages for the Truthseekers.


Truthseekers have their names shouted across the Peacekeeper Territories, and as such they have the potential to become very well known. It's not exactly for the fame-hungry, but it can attract that type.


While some Truthseekers are based in one place, becoming a Truthseeker is an excellent opportunity to travel and see the Territories and beyond, second only to those who work for Peacekeeper Diplomacy.



Truthseekers are the storytellers and public record keepers for the Peacekeeper Territories. They find and curate the Truth which is most important for people to know and share them accordingly.   They are information gatherers, and information sharers. For some within the Territories it is easy to forget that they are also information filters, but that is their most powerful purpose for The Alliance.  
"We must not have the full picture yet."  
— A Truthseeker upon finding something negative about The Alliance

Related Articles

Organisations P'Ache Prime Media Outlets, Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Command, Peacekeeper Diplomacy, Peacekeeper Integrity
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, P'Ache Solar System, P'Ache Prime
Alternative Names
PPMO Truthseeker, Truthseeker
Intelligence Gathering


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