P'Ache Star System

"Never has there ever been, nor will there ever be, anywhere like the P'Ache Solar System.   I have been lucky enough to travel far and wide on behalf of The Alliance, but of all the places I have visited, my home system remains a cut above the rest. There is a reason it's considered the heart of the Peacekeeper Alliance, and it's certainly captured my heart.   Thus this book. This is part love-letter to my home system, and part excuse to revisit some of these planets. So here we go, dear reader; everything you need to know about P'Ache Solar System, from the highs to the lows and everything in between."  
— Extract from Introduction to Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly  
The P'Ache Solar System is the center of the Peacekeeper Alliance, both geographically and metaphorically. It is where The Alliance grew from, with the Peacekeepers expanding out from there.   It is also where Peacekeeper Command, and the Three Pillars of The Alliance (Peacekeeper Diplomacy, Peacekeeper Efficiency and Peacekeeper Integrity) are based.


The planets within the P'Ache Solar System, and the system itself were all named by the Primians, as most of the planets weren't named before they came along.


The P'Ache Solar System has approximately 21 planets or planetary bodies which orbit the star, known as P'Ache (the ancient Primian word for sun). Only four of these planets support life. These are all listed below.  
  Non-habitable planets within this system include P'Ache Alter and P'Ache Shift and P'Ache Forge, which have been turned into factory planets that are staffed by automatons and directed by peacekeepers from the Peacekeeper Efficiency base on Space Station One.


Peoples from across the Peacekeeper Territories dream of visiting P'Ache Solar System, as they hear such wonderful tales of it. It has a reputation as the most expensive part of the known Universe to travel to, but is also considered well worth the money spent.   Some travel there to for the history, others for the localised attractions, such as the Minoran Nights on P'Ache Minor, the technological advances on P'Ache Major or the vast swamps of P'Ache Micro. There are those who travel there just to say they've been, but most visit the seat of power, viewing P'Ache Prime and Space Station One just once, if only from a distance.

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People Primian, Majoran, Minoran, Macran, Peacekeeper, Pachian
Locations Peacekeeper Territories
Planets P'Ache Prime, P'Ache Major, P'Ache Minor, P'Ache Micro
Timelines Peacekeeper Expansion
History The First Micro Rebellion, The Second Micro Rebellion
Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, P'Ache Command, Peacekeeper Command, P'Ache Prime Media Outlets


  • P'Ache Solar System
Alternative Name(s)
P'Ache, The Home System
Solar System
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